(pic here)
Ironing @ 10 cents per garment (for family and neighbors)
Baby sitting @ 25 cents per hour (in Fairgrounds)
Spring cleaning for neighbors (washing walls, scrub boards, and windows)
Lived at #20 Phyllis in Fairground Addition, Pine Bluff

(pic here)
Continued ironing, babysitting and spring cleaning
@ age 16 - Car Hop for Lena's Cafe @ 12th & Poplar (PB)
1962 - Dale's Drug Store on Dollarway Road (PB) - Cashier
1963 T.G.Y.'s in Jefferson Square - Cashier/ Sales Clerk
1964 Pacific Bell Telephone - San Francisco, CA (Mission District)- Long Distance Operator
1966 - Pinecrest Cotton Mill - battery filler (part-time)
1967 Kroger - Cashier (part-time)

1970 & 1972 Woolworth's - Cashier/ Sales Clerk (Seasonal)
1973 J.C. Penney's - Bookkeeper
1974-1978 College-UAM

(pic here)
1978 Teacher - Wilson Elementary and Western Hills Elementary (in Little Rock)

1979-1980 Teacher - Moody Elementary and Redfield Elementary (White Hall School District)

1980-1983 Principal - Thornton Elementary
These pictures were taken in 2001.
The school has been unoccupied since 1986
when the district consolidated with Bearden School District.

Thornton Elementary - Kindergarten - 6th grade
Starting from far left - rooms were 4th, 5th, 6th, Principal's Office, enterance, cafeteria.
On the back side of this hall was resource room and library.
The L-wing behind the cafeteria contained, two 1st grade rooms, 2nd, 3rd, Special Ed room, Chapter I room, teacher's lounge and teacher's work room.

My office was the first room to the left of the enterance.

The cafeteria is the first room to the right of the enterance.

The old gym needs painting, but it looked good in the old days.
I still have fond memories of basketball games, assemblies and award ceremonies held here.

The kindergarten building was a fun place to visit.
I loved going there each day and especially when the kids were at recess in the yard.

Yes, the sign shows as much neglect and wear as the buildings.

1983-1985Principal - Wabbaseka Elementary
1985-1987 Arkansas Department of Education - Chapter 1 Supervisor - Southeast Arkansas
1988-December 31, 2004 - Arkansas Department of Education - Coordinator Chapter 2,ESEA Title VI/Class Size Reduction, and Title V, NCLB
This was the same position but every 5 years or so the law would expire and the title of the program changed with each new legislation.

(pic here)

"Hitch your wagon to a STAR." Emerson

Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.
