(pic here)
Elementary School :
Kindergarten was not available.
First through Third Grades - Plainview Elementary - White Hall School District
- - - Lived at the Pine Bluff Arsenal (Plainview Entrance)
Fourth through Sixth Grades - Dollarway Elementary
Dollarway School District - Pine Bluff
- - - Lived at #20 Phyllis in Fairground Addition
(pic here)
Junior High & High School
Dollarway School District
Graduated 1962
Choir 1959-1962
- - - Student Choir Director
Band - Joined when Band was formed in 1960-61
- - - 1st Chair Alto Saxophone
- - - First year we wore jeans and white shirts for parades and appearances.
- - - Got first uniforms in 1961-62
(pic here)
Higher Education
University Of Arkansas Monticello - - 1974-1978
- - - University Singers - 4 years
- - - Begin in Elementary Education
- - - Accepted full music scholarship second semester of Freshman year.
- - - Changed major to music.
- - -
Graduated 1978 - cum laude
- - - Bachelor of Arts in Vocal Music - BA
University of Arkansas - Fayetteville - 1978-1981
- - - Earned Degree while teaching full time.
- - - Fayetteville Professors - off campus.
- - - Graduated - May 1981 Fayetteville Campus
- - - Master of Education in Educational Administration - M Ed
Other Educational Specialist Work -
University of Arkansas Fayetteville
UNY - Long Island, NY
(pic here)
"Hitch your wagon to a STAR." Emerson
Study to show thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.