tag below.-->
Adopt a Faerie here!
~Angelfae~is my own personal Faerie.
She is not avaliable for adoption or downloading.
Please do not take her from here.

Would You Like To Adopt A Faerie?
These beautiful little faeries are in need of a home!
If you can provide a good safe home for one of them,
please fill out the request form that you find below!
Please choose carefully, for I can only offer **ONE** to each person right now.
~This is Spring Faerie~
~This is Summer Faerie~
~This is Fall Faerie~
~This is Winter Faerie~

Complete application form below, or
email The Faerie Keepers
with your answers to the following questions:
The Faeries on this page were created by ~Angel~
And remain sole property of ~Angel~
They are avaliable through adoption only.
©copyright~Angel~1998. All rights reserved.

To get some Faerie Accessories,
You'll find the links at the bottom of this page.
That's all there is to it! As soon as I receive your application,
I will get busy with adoption papers, and email your new friend to you!
She should arrive within a few days. If for some reason you don't
hear from me within a week, please email me and tell me.
These Faeries are avaliable through adoption only, so please don't steal them!
I created them with love, and I want to be sure they find good homes.
Thanks, ~Angel~
~The Faerie Keepers~

Email Me Here!

Adopt A Birthday Faerie Here!
~Angel's Faerie Border Backgrounds~
~Come To A Faerie Wedding!~
Some Of My Favorite Links!
Click Here To Analyze Your Name!
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Come Visit Our Second Home!
Take me to Ceindeg's Castle!
The Adopted Pet Page!