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Notes from lectures given by Mary Scott in 2002
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- Long Feared Extinct, a Magnificent Bird Still Lives
- Seven Sightings of an Elusive Bird
- The Story Behind the Video
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- Quotes from the Searchers
The artist, Mark Bowers is a Fish and Wildlife Biologist with the Raleigh Field
Office. He has always had an interest in the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker and
could not find an image he liked so he decided to paint his own. He is very
excited on the recent announcement of the rediscovery of the Ivory-Billed
Woodpecker Thought Extinct Rediscovered
By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, Associated Press Writer
April 28, 2005
WASHINGTON - The ivory-billed woodpecker, once prized for its plumage
and sought by American Indians as magical, was thought to be extinct for
years. Now it's been sighted again and conservationists are exulting.
The striking bird, last seen in 1944, has been rediscovered in the Big Woods
area of Arkansas, scientists and conservationists reported Thursday.
"This is thrilling beyond words ... after 60 years of fading hope that we would ever see this spectacular bird again," John W. Fitzpatrick, director of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, said at a news conference.
Since early 2004 there have been several independent sightings, including one caught on videotape, of one or more of the birds, Fitzpatrick said.
That video of the bird's 3-foot wingspan and distinctive black-and-white
markings confirmed the presence of the creature that seemed to have vanished
after logging destroyed its habitat.
The discovery of living examples of an animal believed to be extinct is rare,
said Tess Present, director of science at the National Audubon Society.
"Wow," she said. "This is tremendous."
Interior Secretary Gale Norton said, "Second chances to save wildlife once
thought to be extinct are rare. ... We will take advantage of this opportunity."
Norton and Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns promised millions of dollars in federal assistance to work with the state and local residents to protect this bird.
"Don't love this bird to death," Norton added, saying there has not been time to make plans for public access to view the bird. Fitzpatrick's report was released by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which is publishing the study in the journal Science, and also announced by the Nature Conservancy.
Alan Wormington of Ontario, Canada, said the discovery brought tears to his
eyes. Wormington was part of a group that spent a month unsuccessfully trying to confirm reports of ivory billed woodpeckers in Louisiana in 2002.
"The implications are staggering," he said.
The ivory-billed woodpecker, one of the largest such birds in the world, is one
of six North American bird species thought to have become extinct since 1880.
The bird ranged widely across the southeastern United States at one time.
Once sought by Indians who believed that its bill possessed magical powers,
the bird also was hunted for its feathers so they could adorn women's hats.
Loss of habitat was its main threat, however.
The ivory bill — sometimes called the white-back, pearly bill, poule de bois
and even Lord God bird — was known for the two-note rap of its bill as it
ripped into tree bark in search of edible grubs and beetle larvae.
Fitzpatrick said it became known as the Lord God bird because people seeing
it would exclaim "Lord God, look at that bird."
He said the researchers reported a similar reaction when they spotted it from a canoe last year. The woodpecker suddenly swooped in front and might even
have landed on the canoe, but they all suddenly shouted: "Ivory bill!"
There have been anecdotal reports of the birds, but the last conclusive sighting in continental North America was in 1944, in northern Louisiana. A subspecies of the bird has been reported in Cuba.
With a 3-foot wingspan, the bird is larger than a pileated woodpecker, which is similar in appearance. Indeed, one of the researchers termed it a pileated
woodpecker on steroids.
The Nature Conservancy, which has protected a large segment of land in
Arkansas where the bird was spotted, reported that the first sighting came on Feb. 11, 2004, by Gene Sparling of Hot Springs, Ark.
Tim Gallagher of Cornell and Bobby Harrison of Oakwood College in
Huntsville, Ala., then went to the area with Sparling and also saw the bird.
Other sightings followed, including one on April 25, 2004, in which David
Luneau of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock videotaped the bird taking off from the trunk of a tree.