Welcome: Here we will be sharing with everybody, our most treasured Osmond-encounters and pictures, of several of my online
friends, and buddies:0)) As each one decide to post and share with us, of their times together with their all time favorite Osmond!! This will take sometime to collect all of these stories, as I chat with each of them from time to time, in the Osmond.com page!! And, also through emailing each one. We all enjoy reading each ones encounter's because, it's almost like being there with them:0)) IF you are fan, won't you take some time to come and chat with us, I'll look up the correct link to share here! OH, and you have to register to chat, it's free...Thanks, so much Lorraine, for sharing this pic and your story was great! I also wanted to tell you I really did enjoy meeting you at the Get Together!
ALAN OSMOND, with LORRAINE DELCRUZE, and Her Osmond Encounter:
Thanks so much Lorraine, we really do apprecaite your Encounter, with your favorite Osmond, you are my very first post, we all enjoy hearing of these, Encounter's this is one thing Osmond fans do is share pictures, and stories, and many times we become very good friends!!
Soon, we'll be able to read about Jim's specail memories, as he shares his story with us, thanks again Jim, we look forward to your story! Jim is my good online friend, and buddy:0))
Click here for: Nancy's Specail Memories
We now have another story to share from, a lady from Osmond.com chat room, aka:Spunkie, and or Nancy Hathaway,from Iowa the state, where the "Tall Corn grows" this is where I grew up, home on the ranch:0)) thanks so much for sharing your specail memories with us all to enjoy!!
And, another friend, aka:zap, in Osmond.com, Tracy Zap we now have your specail story of your Osmond Encounter, many thanks; Tracy! It was also, nice to meet you at the Donny's Get Together, June of 1999: I too wish they'd have more of them in the future, of coarse things could change for the better you know! Lets keep our fingers crossed, for the best to come!!
Another good friend named, Tia is going to share of her fun time with the Osmonds at a concert she just attended, can't wait to hear all about your exciting encounter too!
Another good friend by the name of Lori Keough, said; she'd like to post her very specail encounter also, again it's coming soon, as she finishes writing it, thanks again!!
This is to friends I meant at the Get Together, in Ca. of June 1999: Amy Shantel, and Nicki we used to chat once in awhile, in a chat room what used to be called Donnsters!
Which is now going on Saturdays!
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