Lecias Family

Hi, glad to have you back!  I've decided to start putting what I have found for Genealogy on my page.
Webpage to my family and friends.

My Father Melvin Arnold Decker Sr. Born June 16, 1910/11

 My Mother Gwendolyn Elizabeth Davies        


When I first started this webpage it was for my genealogy,
but with lack of experience I got confused and  wasn't sure
what I was doing, I am going to try to add a bit, hopefully it will
help me get farther in my search.

My surnames are Decker, Smith, Van Gorden, Wood, Coon
This is just a small portion of the surnames.

I have tried for two years to find info on my grandfather Mathew Decker,
With some great help, Thanks John , I find his father Elisha was born in NJ Wife Charlotte Hamilton as my grandfather was found on a census listed as a Daughter.  

In 1900 he was in Neversink, Sullivan County, listed with my grandmother
Matilda (Tally) Smith,  One of my Uncles born in 1896, and my Aunt Lizzie, whom because of the writing, looks like Suzzie, born in August of  1899.
 I have found  my Uncle Elisha  married to Elizabeth M. Van Gorden, (this was his first wife as I know he was married more that once, on the Delaware Co. Marriage records along with my Aunt Lizzie who married Elwin Wood, and my grandmother Matilda Smith Decker when she married a man named Jerry A. Coons in 1923 after Mathew died.

On Matilda and Jerry Coons marriage certificate it list as Jerrys parents
the names David Coon, father, and Barbara Decker as mother.

Mathew and Matildas Children are
Earnest Decker, b. 1896
Elisha Decker, b. 1897
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Decker b. 1899
Lillian Decker b.
Melvin Decker b. 1910
Emma Decker b. 1918

Mathew was born in 1871, in New York
Matilda was born 1881, in Red Hill, New York.

Thanks for stopping by!

Again some of my favorite Links

Amanda now has her own web page, check it out!

Amandas Web page

My adopted(by me) brother Randy now has started his own webpage,
More family (Theres alot of us)

 Randys World


That's all for now, I have more, come back and visit me again, Bye Bye,
