Judy's Domain
to my little corner of the web
Hello. My name is Judy, and I am the web mistress of this site. My site is not devoted to just 1 thing. I have all sorts of stuff for you. Things from clipart and adoption links, to jokes and Hot Wheels, so sit on back, browse, and enjoy.
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Here's some of my favorite links:
Family Tree Maker -if your tracing back those family roots, this is the place for you to go
International Ghost hunters Society-two thumbs up!!! If your into the paranormal thing, go here!
Egypt WWW Index -one of my personal favorite sites. If your into Egyptology this is the place to be!
Ebay -gotta love Ebay!!!
This site
designed, built, and maintained by Judy Curtis
© Judy's Domain 8/18/98- 2/11/01