These are good friends of mine. Strange, strange people, yes? I have heard stories that the room this pic was taken in is haunted, doesn't surprise me in the least, although it does interest me.
Joe graduated last year.
This is Eric. I have known him since before we were in kindergarten. He is one of my greatest friends. He is also a weird little rabid weasle, but I wont hold that against him.
My eyes always glow red in pictures. Makes some people wonder... I don't get it, something to do with evil something...
This is my little brother, he's a cool little guy.
Here I am with Matt and Spiderman! We were really little then, but we had fun! He was the authorized Spiderman from Marvel. One of those memories that stays with you. He put his hand on my head, it was heavy, made me feel short, wonder what he would do if he saw me now...
Raven's Lodge
Family Album