Hi. My name is Michael. I am eight years old. I like the NY Giants and Penn State in football, I like The NY Yankees in baseball, and the NY Rangers in hockey. My favorite band is Metallica, My favorite song is "Master of Puppets". I like to watch cartoons and play football but my dad said I can't play to rough. I like Florida and the doctors and nurses at All Childrens Hospital in ST Petersburg. Sometimes I miss my friends though..

I liked going to Walt Disney World and Universal studio and Nickelodeon studio in Orlando. I like the Celebration station too. I still like to play Nintendo and the playstation. I like playing with my dad and help him work on my web page. I feel OK, everybody askes me how I feel all the time. Thats OK.

I want to go to the beach and play in the sand. When we went to the beach last time, I had to stay in the shade and had to keep my shirt on becouse of my Medicine. I don't have to take to much Medicine antymore. Hi Jerry...

I'm back in school and I'm going to be playing baseball this summer. The docters said I'm doing alot better and that I can start playing some sports as long as I don't play to rough.Maybe when I get older, I can play football. Thats my favorite sport.

I hope eveybody likes my liknks. I like the stuff on them. If you like them and you want to let me know if you do, e-mail me at my Dads e-mail address below."

© 1997 znuff56@aol.com

Links to stuff that I like....

Nickelodeon site with games and stuff...
A little web page with some neat links on it..
Cartoon Network link with a lot of fun stuff to do..
Disney site with a bunch of Disney things like games and stuff..
Warner brothers site with games and downloads..

scifi.com. Michael just wanted this on here because he saw it on TV...

Visit mine and my Dads Web store. MIKE AND TOM'S WEB STORE.
"Looneytoons" "I think this is so funny."