Hubenette Genealogy Page
The Hübbinette name originated from 3 brothers by the names of Jean, Amman, and Anton. They originally were from the city of Perpigon, France. They had left France and traveled to Belgium where they built a sailboat and sailed around the Netherlands, to the Baltic sea and landed North of Stockholm, Sweden. This was around the year 1630. The brothers were steelworkers and worked in the steel mills in Sweden. The name has changed many times and the following are some of the names known:
Hübinette, Hübinet, Hybinet, Hubenett, Hubenette, etc. I am interested in adding to the family tree and also distributing the family tree to others related to these ancestors. My e-mail address:
I am interested in adding to the family tree. Anyone related to or named one of the variations of Hubinette etc. should contact me via e-mail at: Your relationship will be connected if possible and I will see that you get a copy of the tree and how each person is related to you.
Dave Hubenette
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This is the home of Robert Anders Hübinette in Notträsk, Boden, Sweden. The father of Akvilina Lovisa, Assar Robert, Nanny Davida, Ester, Viktoria, Joseph, Pontus Ferdinand, Bengt Efraim, Key Eskil and Sigvard Hübinette.