Equestrian Page

EQUINE Information

The horses is a highly respected animal. Years before now, we depended on the for transportation, and we also created bonds between us and our horses. Below are some pictures of horses that I picked up off of the INTERNET. Feel free to do whatever.

Horses prefer to live in groups. So if you are thinking of getting a horse for the kids, think about two. Also think about possible housing for your horse, and how much it will cost. They aren't cheep! Horses also need alot of space to run, and a regular sized backyard won't cut it. We're talking acres here. Mini-barns won't cut it either! Sorry apartment dwellers. No offense.


Tack is the equiptment that horses use. (Saddles, bits, hoof picks, curry combs, mane and tail combs, dandy brushes, bridles, halters, lead ropes, reins, saddle pads, and much more) All of these items could put a strain on your pocket book, but it could be worth it in the long run. Keep in mind that there are also diffrent types of equiptment for diffrent types of sports. There is western, english, dressage, jumping, and other equestrian sports.


Breeding your horse is rewarding if you plan to sell after it is weened. Foals are cute, and have great personalities. They also need plenty of space to run. If you sell, you might want to check out the people who want to buy. Some only buy to send to the slaughter house. Europians eat horse meat! A horses gestation is almost a whole year. Be prepared to handle all situations during foaling.

Below are just pictures to look at. I just added them so that you could look at them, and take them or whatever. I hope that this helped you.


If you have any questions, contact me via e-mail at: k_birtchman@hotmail.com