This is Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Pantai's Kelas 6 Bestari Tahun 1998. These are my classmates and my form teacher. I miss them all. Well, I won't be seeing them for a long time because we're all going to different schools.

A brief story about my school

To begin with, it was built in the year 1983. It's name then was Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Lucky. But due to another school with the same name, the school then was named after it's location, Bukit Pantai, in the year 1990. In the year 1992, our school's first Living Skills Bangkel was built. The school isn't a very famous one, by the way. It won a few Gold and Silver medals in sports, story telling, and so on. During the year 1996, our school broke the school record of the number of people scoring straight A's. During the time of 1996, the number of A's to score was only 4. A number of 14 people scored 4 A's and out of a hundred over first batch of PTS examination, only 3 people(including me)managed to skip grade. But once the resignation of our headmaster, the school grades got worst. The number of people who scored 5 A's(This time it had science included) was 5. During my year(1998) to take the UPSR examination, only 2 people scored 5 A's. Talk about the progress of the school getting bad. As for the year 1997's PTS results, only 3 people managed to pass, but for the year 1998, not even a student managed to pass out of 9 students who were picked. So, how about the school's co-coriculum? It wasn't very bad for there were a lot of students who are really good in sports. So, I guess this is all about my school.

Truth is I really miss my school. The small forest behind it, it's large field, and the wonderful surroundings. Not to forget the little monkey that occasionaly stops and looks at us from the trees and the amount of strange insects living in the school's Gardening Club. I miss the jokes and pranks of my friends, and the surroundings when we're in the classroom. The fun and joy we used to share.... Wouldn't it be great if we managed to turn back time and enjoy the life full of fun in the past.
