He is a great father...the children aren't able to spend as much time with him as they used to because of a full-time job and our business...but he always tries to take one of them with him to run an errand or do special little things with each one.

The children are already claiming personal days with their Dad for fishing,four-wheeling and such. They all like to go on their own so they can have alone time with Dad....I think David likes to hear them talking about their memories of last year and what they want to do this year.

David love wildlife and seems very knowledgable in so many areas of the different animals lives and lifestyles. I am always impressed with how much I can learn from just listening to him tell the children what he considers the
"small details" on wildlife.

This coming September will be our 4th aniversary for our business...I say ours but honestly it is completely and totally David's it is thanks to God and to my husband's hard work and his determination that we ever went anywhere with it at all. It is fire suppression, something I know very little about, but I am able to help him by being the secretary.
I am so proud of him and thankful to our Lord!
Well, that is enough for now, I will share more about him as I have time. I just wanted to take the time to let everyone know what a great blessing David has been in my life and how very much I admire him!