Lesson 2
M's and N's - how do you think? (1 of 2)
The small letter m and n indicate how a person thinks, reasons and learns. In this lesson we will talk about the five ways that graphoanalysis categorizes thinking. In the next lesson, we will show how the writing indicates the type of thinking. The five ways of thinking are Cumulative, Keen, Exploratory, Investigative and Analytical. And let me say at this point that usually a person's writing is a combination of two or more of these.
Cumulative thinkers are methodical thinkers that often are thought of as slow. But they are not. Thomas Edison was a cumulative thinker. A cumulative thinkers takes facts one at time. They learn one step completely before moving onto the next. The build one fact upon another before coming to a well thought out decision. They are NOT characterized by quick impulsive decisions. They do not work well under pressure and probably do not do well in timed tests.
Keen thinkers are fast and perceptive thinkers. They are quick to catch on and come to conclusions readily – sometimes hastily. You generally cannot determine the steps they buzzed through to come to a conclusion. They generally like people, but can be impatient with slow thinkers.
xploratory - Investigative thinker prefers to investigate for themselves rather than to be told by others. They will not accept information until they have checked it out themselves. If they see a "wet paint" sign they just have to touch the wall. They make good researchers. The Exploratory - Investigative thinker would rather experience the facts than just hear about them. The Investigative thinker wants to look into known facts. The Exploratory thinks want to go out and find the unknown.
Analytical thinkers sift through information to come up with the conclusion. They sort and screen the data to determine what is important and what is not. They can reason well and can sift through a mass of information digest it, sort it and use it effectively.
So which are you?... You'll see in the next lesson!