Welcome to our Guestbook!

gene grag - 11/16/00 21:46:17
My Email:gene311@networksplus.net
Hey do something here, where is Aunt Jo and Uncle Frank,

Ron Britvec - 11/16/00 15:31:55
My Email:ronwb@earthlink.net
VERY nice! I'm glad the Birbecks are doing well. A nice happy family. God bless y'all. Ron Britvec

Bad Bunny - 11/05/00 02:32:06
My URL:http://www.badbunnny.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

Christopher Birbeck - 09/23/00 06:17:33
My Email:chris@cbirbeck.freeserve.co.uk
Found the web site whilst browsing and wanted to say 'hello' from Essex in England.

~!*Laura Hauser*!~ - 08/28/00 22:04:52
My Email:Cblaura
Hey This is Laura from supreme session. Cool page Jobie Love.

Andy Birbeck - 07/25/00 12:44:37
My Email:andy@totalhrsolutions.fsnet.co.uk
Your favorite web site: www.itcoursefinder.com
Hi Birbeck family, Good to see we have distant relatives in USA. Dont know if you know this but the name Birbeck comes from a village in the Lake District in England near Appleby. "Bir" is for Birch tree and "beck" is a small river known as a beck in the UK. Therefore it is derived from the village Birch tree by the be k. Thought you might be interested in this fact. May help Naiomi Best regards Andy

Lee Davies - 05/21/00 17:55:39
My Email:Daviesl@lul.co.uk
When you are in Scotland be sure and look up the other Birbecks in the SCottish borders!!! Polwarth, Marchmont, greenlaw, duns, Selkirk etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Naomi Birbeck - 05/18/00 19:17:36
hi, i am from an english Birbeck family Its great to know about the other Birbecks in the world. I know literally nothing about my family's lineage, and it is great to see that there are other people in the world who have to suffer the same mis-spellings etc! But at least it is an unusual and original name!

eugene graf - 04/15/00 02:33:07
My Email:gene311@networksplus.net
Your favorite web site: ICQ
just checking things out

jacqueline gaskin - 03/11/00 18:27:27
My Email:jgask@x-stream.co.uk

Ashley Volner - 02/09/00 00:39:33
My Email:Millennigurl5@excite.com
Your favorite web site: I Don't Know, I Just Got The Computer A Few Days Ago
Hello! I am from Cuba, Missouri. Missouri is a state in the United States os America. I was wondering if a person named Vicki Birbeck happended to be in your family?

alan birbeck - 01/03/00 13:01:08
My Email:alanmarj
Your favorite web site: rugby
thank you for the photos of the birbecks in the americas-----alan, england.

alan birbeck - 01/03/00 13:00:45
My Email:alanmarj
Your favorite web site: rugby
thank you for the photos of the birbecks in the americas-----alan, england.

Angela/SweetSurrender - 09/20/99 02:27:41
My URL:http://adviceangel.homepage.com/angel.html
My Email:tenderone@home.com
Your favorite web site: http://djmacrae.homepage.com/index.html

Kristin - 08/11/99 23:26:14
My URL:http://www.threesquires.com
My Email:threesquires@mindspring.com
What a refreshingly beautiful site you have! You LOTH sis, Kristin < IMG SRC="http://pic.geocities.com/pictures/icons/lines/blue_thin_line_2.gif" GBICON=1>
Claudia - 08/11/99 17:06:25
My URL:http://pw2.netcom.com/~ladyrose
My Email:Ladyrose@ix.netcom.com
Your favorite web site: http://pw2.netcom.com/~ladyrose
I found your site through LOTH. I love what you've done here. It's fun and warm and very inviting. I'm very glad I stopped by for a visit today.

Sr. Beatrice Elizabeth/OFC - 08/10/99 19:49:25
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SpiritCir/srbea/index.html
My Email:srbeadriscoll@hotmail.com
Hello LOTH sister, saw your Tidbit and had to stop by and visit and say hello. I'm glad I did, Blessings, Sr. Bea

BrwnIdGrl - 08/10/99 16:36:12
My Email:sueb@efn.org
As a Breast Cancer survivor and LOTH Sister, I wish to thank you for the inclusion of the FIND A CURE site addy that you attatched to your lovely home page. Congratulations and wishes for continued success. Thank you

Midnight Lady - 08/08/99 13:30:21
My URL:http://home.seol.net.au/shentall/midindex.html
My Email:shentall@seol.net.au
Hello Karen...nice site ..well done...:o)

Pam (Kimmel) Westfall - 07/31/99 17:02:27
My URL:http://geocities.com/heartland/estates/6398
My Email:PamChowdr2@aol.com
Your favorite web site: www.irr.org/mit
Hi Bruce ~ Haven't seen you in about 30 years! Watsonville sure has changed since we were in HS. I hardly recognize most of the town since the '89 quake. Imagine - Gottchalks instead of Fords - That's un-American :-) Nice website. My compliments to your wife on her webmastery.

Claudette Letendre - 07/26/99 16:49:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~petitchoux/index.html
Hello sister from LOTH! I've enjoyed visiting you and your site very much.... you've done a great job! I will be sure to visit again!

The Love World Peace and Harmony Webring

Patti - 07/10/99 13:56:59
My URL:http://hello.to//TheSchoors/
My Email:schoorfamily@hotmail.com
Your favorite web site: to many !
Great site! Keep up the good work!

Jo Schlitter - 06/28/99 15:03:51
My Email:joschlitter@netzero.net
Your favorite web site: Yours of course!!
Karen, You've done a great job on your page. I don't know where you find time to keep it up. Love, Mom

Beth {LOTH/GWA} - 06/18/99 20:35:41
My URL:http://welcome.to/bethsplace
My Email:bethstclair@netscape.net
You have a very nice web site. Keep up the good work.

lisa - 06/18/99 13:11:33
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~drakehvac/index.html
My Email:ruggles@email.women.com
Greatings! Great site you have here!!!

Angela Foughty - 06/18/99 07:27:03
My URL:http://village.fortunecity.com/etheridge/800/
My Email:tsunami85@hotmail.com
Your favorite web site: I'd better not tell you
Surfed on in from Tidbits . . . great site! Blessings, Angela

Gayle - 06/18/99 04:11:00
My URL:/RainForest/Andes/5272/
My Email:mayatime@bigfoot.com
Very nice site Karen. I really enjoyed your travel page!

Kerry Birbeck - 05/24/99 13:13:20
My Email:BIRK1_96@WORC.AC.UK
Your favorite web site: ???????????????????/
Hey I wonder if we're related?

Ocean - 05/20/99 14:57:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Square/9059/OCPAGE4.html
My Email:sierra@ifx.net
Your favorite web site: Amazon.com
Appreciate every opportunity you have to better yourself and don't let a single one slip by you. Be careful with your thoughts, they may become words at any moment. Care about your career. It's very difficult to do well in a career you don't enjoy. Do not let fear keep you from doing things which you could do well. Eliminate the negatives. Keep a positive attitude. Face the fact that feminism is not bad. It merely means that women should be equal socially, economically, and politically. Go for it whether it's an opportunity for training, travel, promotion, or a new career. Help other women, no matter how busy you are. Imagine what's possible if you put your ideas to good use. Join organizations, especially those who put you in touch with other women in your field. Keep up with changes and stay informed on issues which affect you. Lend a hand to other women who may not as progressed as far as you do. Manage your time well; doing the most important things first. You'll have to remain flexible to accomplish this one, and save some time to smell the roses. Network with each other. Men have been experts at this for years. Own up to your shortcomings and work on changing your weaknesses to strengths. Praise yourself atleast once each day. It's perfectly okay to toot your own horn sometimes. Question your criticism of other women. especially if you start feeling good about it. Remember that the achievements made by women so far were possible because women were willing to take risks. Stop worrying about things you cannot change and set out to change those things over which you have some control. Take charge of your life. No one else can do it better. Unite with other women. There is strength in unity and numbers. Voice your concerns, Silence is not golden. A problem cannot be solved without first identifying it. Welcome new challenges, with each one , you are gaining new experience. Xerox a copy of this guideline to share with atleast one other woman. You are number one. You are no less important because you are a woman. Take care of you. Zero in on what's most important. Set goals and take one step at a time.

Victoria - 04/19/99 02:38:03
My URL:http://dvrodriguez.com/secrets.html
My Email:MysticalRose@mindspring.com
Your favorite web site: http://dvrodriguez.com/secrets.html
Greetings, Followed my heart to your lovely family site. You have great taste! It was fascinating to read of your travels and especially Tokyo. I am enjoying having a new girlfriend......*s* Love, Victoria "

Terri - 03/11/99 04:39:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~idobones
My Email:IDOBONES@aol.com
Your favorite web site: I have too many LOVES to list
Karen I can't wait to get off this diet and try those sugar crisp cookies :) Yummy. I really enjoyed the pics and the travel guide/log was so interesting that I have added you to my favorite places. Love, hugs and giggles your LOTH sis Terri

Angi - 02/02/99 21:45:09
My URL:/Heartland/Garden/5262/
My Email:angiw@erols.com
Your favorite web site: Absolutely Angi
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day! :-)
Your LOTH Sister,

Absolutely Angi

Claudia - 01/27/99 23:04:23
My URL:http://pw2.netcom.com/~ladyrose/index.html
My Email:LadyRose@ix.netcom.com
Your site is really wonderful! I found you through LOTH. Please keep up all the great work!

Angi - 01/10/99 19:51:16
My Email:angiw@erols.com

Good luck in the Site Fights! :-)

Margaret - 01/06/99 00:48:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1246/
My Email:matemple@erinet.com
Your favorite web site: I love them all!
Hi,hope your mom is feeling better. God Bless!

Fairy Addie - 12/28/98 01:35:12
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies
My Email:addie13@yahoo.com
Your favorite web site: The Site Fights!

Claudette Letendre - 12/25/98 15:36:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~petitchoux/index.html
My Email:petitchoux@yahoo.com
Your favorite web site: soooooo many!
Hello Sister!
Your site is lovely!
I've enjoyed visiting with you very much.
Happy Holidays!
May your Holidays
be filled with Love & Laughter
May your New Year
be filled with Peace & Harmony

Fairynurse - 12/23/98 06:35:13
My URL: http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:cyberlpn@rocketmail.com
Wishing you great cheer
Now, and throughout the year!
Remember the spirit and friends you make,
In all you do and undertake
Good luck in the Site Fights
and don't you forget
To show your team you are so proud,
that you want to SHOUT IT loud!

Heppy Holidays, Love Fairynurse

Streanj - 12/23/98 04:17:35
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Streanj/Streanj/
My Email:streanj@rocketmail.com
Your favorite web site: No way can I have just one!!
I really liked your site. smiles. The analyis on the handwriting was very interesting! I hope you add osme more to it GOOD luck to you at the site fights in the new year!!! Could you be interested in exchanging votes?

Visit my Home Page

Or Visit my MAZE

Wee One Jade - 12/22/98 23:13:28
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:TrishadaWitch@hotmail.com
Your favorite web site: The Fairy Realm
~* ~ spr ink le~ *~

*Sprinkle* *Sprinkle* *Sprinkle*
Hello, It is I, Wee One Jade
Coming to wish you a Merry Christmas!
I am dusting this guestbook with Christmas Spirit *<:o)

~*~ Fairy Charisma ~*~ - 12/21/98 21:08:30
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/dfairy.html
My Email:fairycharisma@hotmail.com
Your favorite web site: http://www.thesitefights.com

~** ~Sp ri nkl e S pri nkl e~* *~

Fairy Charisma is dusting your site
With all her strength, and all her might
She dusts all day, and dusts all night
Hoping that you will fight fight FIGHT!!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year
I hope to get you in the spirit
And have a happy holiday with your family dear
Here is a spirit stick to put you in the mood
Pass it on and spread the christmas spirit!

~** ~Sp ri nkl e S pri nkl e~* *~

Anadith Lina - 12/20/98 01:06:41
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/dfairy/
My Email:anadith@mailexcite.com
Your favorite web site: Yours

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* You have been dusted *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* You have been sprinkled *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* By a spirit faery *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* From the Site Fights *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Happy Holidays to all and may your spirit be good. The dusting may stop for a while, but not the spirit! ~~

Fairy Nice Lady - 12/19/98 21:15:04
My Email:hearts_beauty@yahoo.com
Your favorite web site: Site Fights
We Post our Cheers 5 times a day
We Post our Cheers 5 times a day

Different Shouts they all convey

We have Fun and Friendship tons of play

And Spirits and Fairies to Guide the way

You've been dusted by

"Fairy Nice Lady "

~~** Sprinkle Sprinkle**~~ pass on the wand

to those who need spirit and friendship

remember to


Joanna - 12/16/98 17:58:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/3544
My Email:rw4333@westsound.com
Hi! Just stopping in to bring you a spirit stick and to wish you LOTS OF LUCK in the Site Fights!
Cherub Team Is Right On!
Here's your gift!

Connie - 12/14/98 11:51:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/NatureSpace
My Email:connie_liew@hotmail.com
Hello there fellow site fighters! I'm going around passing the Spirit Stick. Wish you the best of luck in The Site Fights!!! :-)

White Chocolate - 12/12/98 15:34:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/1210
My Email:white_chocolate@unforgettable.com
Your favorite web site: "LiL AngeLs"
Dear LOTH Sister,
I am so glad to have this opportunity to introduce myself and meet another sister. You have a wonderful site and I will be back to visit again. Now I would like to invite you to my site, and please bring your friends and family.

Natale Williams - 12/11/98 22:41:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~natalewilliams
My Email:natalewilliams@yahoo.com
Your favorite web site: Mine
What a wonderful and beautiful site you have here. It is obvious that you have put a lot of time and effort into it. Thank you for creating this lovely site, and from one LOTH sister to another, have a wonderful holiday!

~*Wee One Martha*~ - 12/09/98 00:21:27
My URL:http://www.thesitefights/fairies/
My Email:Marty@eigenlight.com
Your favorite web site: The Site Fights

Hello, my name is Wee One Martha, I am here to spread spirit to you in the site fights.

Lots of Luck!

Fairy D'Jeweled - 12/09/98 00:19:21
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:amitrine3@hotmail.com
Your favorite web site: Mine.....*GIGGLE*

Fairy Glimmer - 12/08/98 02:43:36
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html
My Email:pan12e@alaska.net

~~~~Sprinkles, Sparkles, Twinkles~~~~ You have been dusted by Fairy Glimmer, I am a Spirit Fairy with The Cherub Champions. I fluttered by today to give your site a Spirit check, and to wish you luck in the fights this week. I am always here to help you in any way that I can, so please do not hesitate to call upon we Fairies in your times of need, as we within DFairy's Realm are watching over you..

Sue - 12/01/98 18:54:02
My URL:http://fp2.hughes.net/suz37
My Email:suz37@hughes.net
Good Luck in the Site Fights. I hope the best page wins...and you have a GREAT one!!! I am interested in trading votes with you. I have already voted for you today, even if you are not interested in trading I will vote for you daily. GOOD LUCK!

Diane P - 12/01/98 00:37:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~dianeron/MerryChristmas.html
My Email:vet6768@prodigy.net
Your favorite web site: LOTH Sisters MB
I love your humor pages! Felt like you were talking about me! Huggs!

Wolfy - 11/28/98 17:24:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/wolfette
My Email:wolfy1_@hotmail.com
Your favorite web site: my own of course! *lol*
Greetings and Happy Holidays from a LOTH Sister!

Bubbles - 11/28/98 11:35:38
My Email:bubbles308@hotmail.com
Your favorite web site: ????
No matter how much time you spend in here, the Easter Bunny will not deliver at Christmas time because of snow drifts. Love you, Bubbles

Gypsyfire - 11/25/98 06:05:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Gypsyfire/
My Email:moms_secrets@yahoo.com
Your favorite web site: www.everything
Great site ! Would love for you to do a writing study on my handwriting, it changes ! Noone has been able to yet, when I send 3 samples they say it is different people ! Keep growing, I will come back! Gypsyfire

Irene (you know me) - 11/25/98 04:14:34
My Email:ivybigfoot@hotmail.com
Your favorite web site: Yours...Of Course
Mom, your the best...doing an absolutly fabulous job. I'm PROUD to call you my mother. Love You, Irene

Tammi - 11/24/98 20:09:27
My URL:http://www.familiesontheweb.com
My Email:aphro@sover.net
Hi. I got here through loth tidbits.. very nice page.... If you get a chance check out my site....
Join us!!!

shibaegg - 11/22/98 13:05:45
My URL:http://www.pipi.net/shibaegg
My Email:shibaegg@geocities.co.jp
From site to Twinkle in japan.I like this page. Lovely homepage you have here!

Misako - 11/22/98 04:59:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Namiki/7179/
My Email:sugai-m@mua.biglobe.ne.jp
Your favorite web site: Here
Hello! I'm Misako of Twinkle. Thanks for your message. Your webpage is very very beautiful! and I liked here very much. I'll come back again Bye!

Christine - 11/19/98 21:59:17
My URL:http://www.dancingstar.net
My Email:christine@dancingstar.net
Your favorite web site: too many to list!
What a great site! Thanks so much for the stamp info... I will be buying them!

Chilady - 11/19/98 11:01:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/2418/index.html
My Email:stutzman@HiWAAY.net
What a truly remarkable & interesting site you have done...I enjoyed my visit so much!!

Lady Hope - 11/18/98 20:20:39
My URL:http://members.aol.com/LadyHope0/Home.html
My Email:LadyHope0@Aol.com
Your favorite web site: http://members.aol.com/JillAdora/Home.html
I am not very good at signing guestbooks. I just wanted to let you know I stopped by for a visit. You have a very nice site and I hope to you take a moment to check out my little site. Have a nice day!

latte - 11/18/98 16:59:05
My Email:tmjay@earthlink.net
Your favorite web site: that's a tuffy!!!
I loved visiting!! I've bookmarked and will be back!! Peace, Latte

Junie - 11/18/98 16:33:59
My URL:http://www.mich.com/~wilogate/index.html
My Email:wilogate@mich.com
Your favorite web site: http://www.petoftheday.com

Just Popped in to say

Good Luck in the Site Fights

and drop off this good luck hug

From your Loth sister


Emilie Deans - 11/17/98 22:54:34
My Email:ebdeans@hotmail.com
DOING GREAT!!!! I love how you redid the page, this setup looks great. Keep up the great work, the new picture of Irene is adorable! love you, Emilie

Maureen - 11/15/98 17:22:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2963
My Email:mpsamo@swbell.net
Hello karen, Enjoy my visit to your homepage thanks for stopping by mine.. :}

Ramirose Attebury - 11/14/98 01:16:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/2310
My Email:rattebur@orednet.org
Your favorite web site: Mine :)
Beautiful page

wen - 11/12/98 19:04:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2753
My Email:just-wen@juno.com
Your favorite web site: do I have to just pick one? *g*
Your site is great! I enjoyed the handwriting analysis. Please let me know if you add more lessons to it.

Carol A. Buttrey - 11/09/98 18:47:36
My Email:cbuttrey@us.ibm.com
Loved your 'Humor' section Originality is the ability to conceal your source. Some of them are mine now.

Marybelle Beigh - 11/08/98 08:19:48
My Email:maryb2@oregonsbest.com
I sent you an email from the tidbits regarding the women in technology post. I will copy it into a separate email on this page if the address I sent it to is different. Would love to hear from you more regarding this topic!

Joanne - 11/06/98 19:37:11
My URL:http://web.raex.com/~franklin
My Email:franklin@raex.com
Your favorite web site: Many
A LOTH sis who came to view your BCA page, also loved your I Feel Great page. Nice job. I am a BC survivor...come read my story; A Miracle or a Will to Live! Thank you for your support. p>

Mike Putzer - 10/30/98 20:45:47
My Email:mputzer@vnet.net
Your favorite web site: famousmarks.com
Hi Birbeck's...great website!

eunice s. jin - 10/27/98 01:35:11
My Email:ejin@email.unc.edu
ann was showing me your web site-- i have enjoyed it very much. i'll have to have my handwriting analyzed soon...and one day when unc isn't working my tail off, i'll let you know what my favorite web site is...eunice (ann's roomie)

Mom and Dad - 10/26/98 17:16:50
My Email:jschlitter@surfree.com
Well we finally arrived,I,ll never tell what took so long. You are doing a great job, keep up the good work. We are proud of you.

ann - 10/23/98 20:52:15
Glad to be here and able to sign the guest book.

Claudette Letendre - 10/21/98 12:21:48
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~petitchoux/index.html
My Email:petitchoux1@yahoo.com
Your favorite web site: too many!
I simply have loved your site LOTH sister! It's great! In fact I would love to give you an award.
For the beautiful work you've done Rose Angel Award
Hugs, Claudette

The World Harmony & Hug Movement
Hug Graphics

Emilie Deans - 10/20/98 14:33:23
My Email:ebdeans@hotmail.com
Your favorite web site: Yours of course!
You've done a great job! I plan on coming back and seeing all the wonderful things to come. Keep up the good work!! I love you, Emilie

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