This is my sweet Amanda and I would like to tell you all about her. After losing Lil Paul our life was very sad. We just could not understand why this was happening to us. It was a very hard decision for us to decide to have another child. It was September of 1992 when I got pregnant with Amanda. This was a very long nine months for us. But we made it through lots of sonograms and we were told that if it did not show up after 28 weeks that it would not show up at all. Well don't let anyone fool you because that is not true. Well after the 28th week sonogram I quit worrying and thank god she did not have the disease at all. I was so excited that I was finally going to hold a sweet baby in my arms and be able to keep her. I went through so many emotions of quilt because I was still mourning over the loss of Lil Paul and I felt as though I should not be happy. I was happy and sad all at once if there is such a thing.
It finally came time for her to be born. My Doctor decided to go ahead an induce my labor one day early, because he knew how anxious we were and I was ready to go in to labor any day. It went pretty quick and I was induced around 7:00am and I had her around 12:00pm. I can not even tell you how happy I felt when I heard her crying it was the best day of my life. I just held her and held her and held her and cried. I was so lucky to have her I felt so blessed. My sweet baby Amanda she was our miracle baby.

I will continue to update and add fun links to her page. Please check back when you can and sign my questbook. I would love to hear what you think. I am new to this.

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