UPDATE: December 1998

A big "hola" to you, my friend!

Since my last update (July '98) some things have been happening in my life; all of them wonderful!
Summer brought a lot of work to the Park, and I was very busy giving attention to all the media and 
different people that visited it. New attractions were opened and several projects launched, so 
there was a lot to take care of.
But I did take a couple of days off on August, since my very good UWP friend and Denver roomie, Jenn 
Tasso (95'B) came visit. A very relaxing and fun week! On that week also was my parents 
30th Anniversary. Here's a picture:

Toño, me, Julio (b.i.l.), Mary (sister), Dad, Mom, Ismael (brother), Tati (s.i.l.) and Titita (grandma)

Little after that, a great opportunity arose: My parents had a trip to France planned with another 
couple. But their friends couldn't go, so they invited me! On my UWP year, I missed the 2 days in Paris 
that the Cast had on the way to Portugal, since I was already there doing advance work. So this was a 
great chance to travel to an unknown country.

So, since I had just had my vacations at work, but was thinking about starting a business of my own 
soon, I decided to quit my job at Parque Plaza Sésamo. It was a tough decision, since I really enjoyed 
my activities and had great friends and two wonderful bosses. But you know how I am with projects: 
I really felt the need to start something on my own, and the opportunity of the trip decided it.
So I left to meet my parents at France on September 16th. 
The trip was WONDERFUL!! We visited Monaco, Avignon, Lyon, Dijon, Arles, Aix de Provance and several 
beautiful little towns such as Saint Paul de Vence, Beaux en Provance and Grasse. And at the end, of 
course, PARIS. Wow! That Eiffel tower is really something! I really enjoyed everything we did, and all 
the places we visited. But what I enjoyed the most was to have that great time with my parents, and 
I'm very grateful to God for that.

¡PARIS! ¡Oh, sí!

We came home on October 1st, and I had much work to do!
What was my new business about? Well, it has a lot to do with UWP, actually, but also has a lot of Public 
Relations too! I started a Relocation and Cross-Cultural Training firm called Inducción Cultural Integral 
(ICI, pronounced easy (cool, eh?)). It's a service company that offers assistance to foreigners moving to 
the region. I help the expatriated executives and their families with their househunting, settling in, 
give them orientation information and a tour, etc. I'm also offering Cross-cultural training in both: 
Living in Mexico and Working in Mexico. Cultural Shock, Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity... all that good 
stuff that us upies learned a lot about.  :)
I wasn't expecting it so soon, but thank God, I had my first clients at the beginings of December. I'm 
learning soooooo much about so many things! But the best thing about my job is that I'm my own boss.
My business web page is: http://www.intercable.net/tac/ici.htm . Feel free to visit it, and if you know 
about someone moving to Mexico (maybe you?), let me know! 

Another wonderful piece of news I got on November was that I'm finally going to be an aunt!!!!! After 4 years of 
marriage, my brother and sister in law are pregnant. We saw the ultrasound video two days ago, and my little 
niece or nephew is already kicking and moving like crazy, measuring only 1 inch! What an amazing thing life is!

Yeah, I know what you'll ask: And what about you? Well, Toño and I have been dating for 7 months now, and 
I'm as happy as I can be. And although it's going to be a while before we can even start wedding plans or 
anything, I'm not in a hurry; we already found eachother, so the future looks wondeful regardless of when 
things happen. It's us two from now on... what else could I ask for?


I must say this was a wonderful year, and that all the events, good news, experiences, friends, happy 
moments, etc. make me feel nothing but eternally grateful to God.
Whenever you feel like it, drop me a line, or an e-mail, or even better, give me a call and let me know how 
are you. Or EVEN BETTER, come visit me. I will be very very feliz to hear from you or see you again.
In the meantime, take care and may God bless you on this new year.

Love Always

Lili Cantu

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