Homepage de Lili Cantú

Because most of you already know what Up With People is, and since it's too long to describe, I'm just showing you some of my favorite pictures (click on them to view full size):

Cast C 95-96 in and it's buses. I hope everyone can find him/herself.

One of the stunnishing landscapes we were able to see at Canada and New England on autumn

Being able to visit New York, go up the Statue of Liberty, see "Miss Saigon" and skate at Rockefeller Plaza on winter time was just one of the many wonderful experiences I had

One great day: Performing at EPCOT Center and the having the rest of the day to enjoy the park (Here, the M team!)

One year full of adventures! An example? Flying from Florida down to beautiful Venezuela in two C-130 cargo planes!

Europe. Oh, Europe! Weird bathrooms, beautiful towns... and wonderful people. Here: Legoland, at Denmark, with my good friend Johanna

And on that great month preparing the city of Porto,Portugal, for our cast's visit, I even had the chance to go to Fatima and see the place where the Holly Virgin appeared

But my year with Up With People wasn't only about traveling. Actually, that was just a little part of it. The greatest part for me was fulfilling a personal dream, representing my beautiful country all over the world with a peace message...

"...everyone is the same in the Good Lord's eyes" (What Color is God's Skin" song)

...and making the most wonderful friends I could have ever wished for, such as (here): Christian, Charles, Sunil (Solcito!)... and some 166 more!

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