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Can you believe Summer is almost over? I can't believe school is about to start again for the kids and also for me!
I decided to go back to school this summer. I am trying to get my teaching certification. I took an Environmental Biology class this summer and just loved it! I even got an "A"! Unbelievable!!
I did finish a cross stitch project, April's Blue Diamond. I just started working on Fairy Godmother by MLI and have all the materials to begin her Celtic Banner.
I've been very busy making soap. I am branching out and now make Glycerine soap, lotion, lotion bars, lip balms and lots of other stuff! I also finally got a business site up. The name of my company is Elven Faire Soapwerkes. Take a look and tell me what you think! The products all have a medieval theme based on my love of Celtic history and Arthurian literature.
I also designed a website for FISC, the company I work for. I used Paint Shop Pro and made all the graphics. I love working with PSP, it's so much fun!

I'm sure their is something for almost everyone on my pages. I have lots of information on my favorite hobby cross stitching, a bookshelf page with my favorite books and authors, recipes and family pages. I also have another website, "Christmas Corner". Here you will find Christmas all year round !
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Look what I won! I hope you will check out my
Thanksgiving page!
I am very proud! I also received an honorable mention for my
Christmas page!
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