We are Tom and Colleen and our children are
Nolan and
This home page is dedicated to our family and friends who have
made our lives so memorable.
Tom works as a computer programmer for a fortune-500 company while
Colleen is a Registered Nurse at a community hospital, part-time.
Here is an interesting look at our family!

We are a member of Heartland Select.
You can find us in the Family section!

We received this beautiful gift from Kim. She gave one to each
of our boys and our angelbaby Elizabeth too!
You can see them on their pages.
I gave Kim one-half of a Friendship shield, and here is the other half.
I want to show her how much our friendship means to me!

Check out this great gift we received

Since we've recently suffered a miscarriage, The Berry Patch
has developed a dedication page for our little
We lost her Feb 9, 1999 and appreciate your support and
encouragement during his difficult time.
in July 2002 we suffered a second miscarriage and
named our newest angel Sean.
We love you, AngelBaby Elizabeth and Sean!

Tom is a fan of science fiction and has newly developed his own
branch of this site called