Cricket Care!

So You Want To Raise Crickets?

(for food for reptiles and amphibians)

Getting Started

First you will need a container to keep them in...I recommend a large plastic container, usually 68 litre size is good can get them at any department store. To make the cover just cut out the top of the container and glue in a screen with a glue gun. Next you will need something for them to hide in...egg crates are perfect for increases the surface area giving them more room to run as well as places to hide in. You will also need a water source. I use an empty lid of a container of some kind, like a peanut butter lid...and cut out a sponge to fit inside the lid. The sponge soaks up the water and then the crickets can drink without fears of them drowning. You may also want a catch can of some kind, so that you don't have to handle them much if this bothers you.


Crickets like to be kept warm. The optimum temperature for crickets is about 80 degrees. They will live at room temperature but they grow and breed much better if they are kept warm. I use a regular light bulb for heat and light. Just hang a 100 watt bulb over their container for sufficient heat.

Feeding Crickets

Crickets eat a variety of grains and cereals. You may purchase commercially prepared feed or you may choose to feed them yourself from items around your home. You can feed crickets corn meal, barley, wheat, and a variety of vegetables. You can feed them dog food as well but it isn't recommended because of the lack of nutritional value for your reptile for which the cricket is intended. You may want to supplement their diet with vitamins so that your reptile is proper nourished.


Once a week or so you have to clean out the container that the crickets are in. All you need to do is wipe out the bottom of the container and replace the old egg crates. You may also want to rinse out the sponge with water to keep it clean as well. Every day you might want to check the sponge to make sure that it is moist and remove any damp food.


Breeding crickets is fairly simple. Place both males and females in a container with some moist soil. 3 pairs of mature crickets will be sufficient to breed hundreds of crickets. (See picture below for identification of both male and female crickets) Make sure you keep the soil moist. The females deposit their eggs with their ovipositor into the soil. the eggs should hatch in about 2-4 wks. Care of the young is the same as the adults.

Interesting Cricket Facts!

Cricket Thermometer -- Surprising enough crickets are fairly accurate in determining the temperature. Apparently the warmer the temperature, the faster a cricket will chirp. In cooler weather, his chirps slow down. Get a watch with a second hand on it. Count the number of chirps the cricket makes for fifteen seconds. Add 40, and you will have the temperature in Fahrenheit!


Female (bottom of picture)and male crickets

Female Cricket

A great place for reptile and amphipian links. Check it out!

The Animal Network! Great Reptile Links there.

Another excellent site for information on reptiles is the Reptile Rage

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Insects

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last updated on July 19, 2002

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