This tree covers over 200 years worth of family lines, mostly in the US. Includes, but not limited to Whitford, Cummin(g)s, Stout, Arnold, Suydam, Mingus, Taylor, Craw, and Pridgeon. DISCLAIMER: This is by no means presented as all true and accurrate. Family history is an ongoing and ever changing. Also to those of you who wish to send me hate mail regarding your information being "out on the web," just email me and I will try my best to remove your birth date or whatnot. But, keep in mind - you or your direct family member are the people who submitted your information to another person. These dates and names don't just appear from thin air. :)
Mark Whitford
1449 E. Highland Avenue
Unit 33
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Tel: 602-616-6642
Send e-mail to:
This web site produced 15 Apr 2000 by Personal Ancestral File, a product of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.