SUNDAY WORSHIP, 10 AM BLAST Sunday School, 10:15 AM, SWAT Youth Gathering, Jr. 4 PM, Sr. 5 PM
+ A unique offering of BLENDED WORSHIP, both Traditional and Contemporary + Inspiring messages to strengthen our faith + Busy Bags for Kids + Nursery Children Care provided + Handicap Accessibility + Seasonal Airconditioning |

BLAST(Bible Learning Adventure Stations): Sunday School for Children
Children are invited into the whole life of the church and given opportunites to experience God's love as it is lived out in this family. Following the Children's Message, Kids have a BLAST at Education Center, 10:15 AM, . |

SWAT(Students Worshing All Together):
We are committed to helping teens grow closer to God and each other and having fun doing it. + Jr. SWAT (6th~8th Grade) 4~5:30 PM + Sr. SWAT (Freshmen~Seniors) 5~6:30 PM

Girl Talk & God Talk: Women's Group
This is the name of our morning women's study group. It provides an opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship for women in our church. Tuesday mornings at 9 AM

Men's Breakfast: The group will be held on the Third Saturday of the month from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. A light breakfast is provided, and men enjoy talking and sharing our Christian devotion!

Tone Chimes and Praise Choir: The Praise Choir and Tone Chimes participate twice a month in Sunday worship services. Pracices are held on Thursdsdays 6 PM & 6:45 PM. |

Bible 101: 1st Saturday of each month, 10 AM. An Introduction to the Holy Bible with a speicial focus on the timeline and history of Israel and Christianity. |
Nurturing & Outreach Ministries: We welcome guests and help them to grow together with us in our faith community. Also, we provide 'Bus Tansportion' for the home-bound people in town each Sunday Morning |
Other Ministries: Senior Jambory
- Senior Jamboree
- Mission Activities
Come & Worship with us! Holy Week Services
Holy Thursday Service with Contemporary Music, Foot Washhing & Communion April 9, 7 pm, 2009 |

Good Frday Service with Traditional Music, "The Nails on the Cross" April 10, 7 pm, 2009  |
Easter Sunday Services April 10, 2009 + Sun Rise Service, 8 am + Community Breakfast, 9 am + Praise Service, 10 am
