Hi I'm Avishay Balderman (Maya's father).
Maya was born on 8/6/98 at 3:25 am.
She was not very happy to enter this world so the doctors had to induce Orna's
delivery (Maya's mother).
Yael was born on 15/5/01 at 8:03 am.
I do not know if she was happy to join us but anyway she was fast and jumped out
3 hours after we arrived the hospital.
Talia was born on 16/4/2005.
Happines? Who cares - she is the third one..
This site is dedicated to Maya's and Yael's images.
I will try to update from time to time this site with new images
Site Index
Maya's hot links
Some cool baby links
Games Index
Basic Math (Need Java Plugin to work)
Word finder
Game of life
Great puzzle game from uncle Elon
Wanna play pong ?