Come on in, I welcome you to my DREAM and WISH page. I wish the adoptee that I am looking for would stop by. As I was changing my web page, I surfed the net trying to find the background that had some meaning to it. Well Folks, I chose this background because of how many times the sun and moon's have come, and gone. I am sure if you are looking at my page, and searching for someone you love, you will understand.
I need everyone's help. I am searching for an adoptee, born in Jacksonville, Florida in August of 1969 . We were told it was a baby boy. He was born at St. Vincents Hospital. Dr. Pichler, was the attending physician. If this information is close to anyone you know, please let me know.
Wherever you are, I just want you to know you have been searched for, since the day you were born. Florida laws do not allow you to change your mind.
There are so many adoptee's out there that I feel I have to explain some things. In the so called good old days(ha), if you got pregnant, it was not a good thing. You had to leave your home, and deal with whatever was thrown at you. I know I am speaking for alot of birthmom's. Doctors tried to convince you, the right thing to do was give your child up for adoption. How many times were we told, "you want better things for your child, don't you?" I am in hopes the laws can be changed so all parties can have the option to be able to get in touch with each other. For medical reasons it is so important. I can say to all the adoptee's out there, that I feel most mom's would not have given their child up for adoption. I can't speak for all, but the birthmom's I have spoken to, would not have made that choice.
My wishes and dreams are for everyone to be able to find their child, or birthparent they are looking for. I know the lost, empty feeling. If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to let me know.
It is also a dream to be able to touch you, and find out what accomplishments you have made in your life.
I have searched many places on the web. My hats off to all that manage those sites. I know it is a very time consuming thing. I have had many people contact me, and help. I thank them for all they have done.

Folks, things were no different then or now. Kids were, and are having children. I want any mothers-to-be out there to know, adoption is not a bad thing. Just make sure you know where your child is going. Adoption is so much better, than ABORTION. Where would any of us be, if our mom's decided to abort us? When childless couples want a child it is the most wanting need. There are alot of couples looking for a child, and they would be excellent parents. The pain, of giving your child away is worth knowing they are ok, and are loved. Just make it one of your stipulations that you know where the child goes. It is a beautiful gift to be given to a childless couple.

As the sun and moon's come and go, I pray that at some time we will get to know each other.
I thank all of you for listening, and bless anyone searching for someone they love. Even though we don't know their name, the love grows stronger, and stronger. Please e-mail me or sign, the guestbook.
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