WELCOME to our Youth Ministry. Where life goes on and God still loves me!
Enjoy cool links, funny pics all from the Mojave Desert.
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Hello, We would
like to introduce ourselves. Our name is FSYM.
That stands for Father Serra Youth Ministry. You might have seen
us and then again maybe not. We tend to blend in. We are young parishioners
of various heights and colors. We wear our hair long and sometimes
very short! Our clothes, well, what can we say, loose and comfortable.
We go to school here in the Antelope Valley and shop at the mall. Some
of us play sports on our high school teams and quite well we might add.
We attend to Father Serra church and we probably sat next to you.
We want to introduce our logo, designed especially for us. "Us" meaning,
our entire parish because when we see it, we think of Father Serra Parish.
We gather together here, on Wednesday night to pray, play and plan.
We help where we can and we never stop looking. Below is our mission
statement and how the group is organized. We are not want to be a
financial burden, we pay our way. We raise money with your help monthly
and we donate that money to our parish, to you. When we ask for funds,
it’s because our pastor gave us the responsibility of organizing service
projects. We extend our hands to our younger brothers and sisters
in pre-school and CCD and to those in need around us. We want everyone
to know we are proud to be a part of this community. |
Your the Visitor