Lissa's Summer
My summer started off rotten. I acquired this  really nasty growth on my neck.

No matter what I did I couldn't get rid of it. It just kept getting bigger and bigger and more annoying. I just couldn't shake it. There was only one thing to do. I had to get away for a while or i would go nuts. So I went away on vacation. Far, far away.

I jumped in the van and I was on my way. away from the little growth and everything stressful.  That is if mom would stop getting artsy with the camera and drive. Sheesh! move it lady!

                                                        And what could be more restful than camping. That's right.  I pitched my trusty tent, opened a couple of brewskies and communed with nature. Ahh. The great outdoors. Don't you just love it?

For dinner I would throw a couple of bones on the ol bar b. it was great not having to worry about someone running off with them. They were all mine. Don't forget, when cooking in the great outdoors to constantly check on your dinner. You never know when a marauding bear might run off with it. or a squirrel with an attitude. They can be as nasty as a, well, a kuvasz puppy brought into your home against your wishes. Who rips up your toys and takes over your stuff and thinks he's sooo cute, and, and uh. well just watch your bones. that's all i have to say on that.

every evening I would sit and toast marshmallows over the fire. Yuck. whose idea was it to put them on a stick. what genius came up with that great plan. these sticks taste like garbage. phew! and talk about germs. where have these sticks been. can you tell me. huh, huh? i thought not. and i am supposed to eat something off them. i don't think so.

ahh, That's better. Jam them in the grill and let them cook on their own. I don't singe my whiskers that way either. always think safety when your on your own. hmm. these look about done.

all right. Looks like it's time for another beer. yup. That ought to go great with those marshmallows. Yum.

Yahoo! campin en brooskies. Thas the life. Whee! les go scare some bunnies.  hic. Hee hee. uh. oh. maybe i need to lie down a lil while. Hey! who turned ow the lighs. lemme at em. grrr.

uhhh! who keeps shaking the tent. oh my head! aww this blue is gonna be green any second now. whose bright idea was it to go camping. That little rat said it would be so relaxing. I wanna go home. yak. My mouth tastes like  a bunny shed in it. anybody got an aspirin. Mommy!

boy is it good to be home again. safe in my own little cottage. this is where i feel loved. with my blanket and my sign. hey. that's where i should have gone. to visit aunt diane. she loves me. she made me this beautiful sign. not like the people around here. do they make me anything. nooo! i'd have to be passed out on the floor before they would make me anything. and then they would make me a rug. get it. a rug. ha, ha.  ahh, never mind.

as always. I remain.