As many of you know I have been
forced to give up some of my favorite activities due to having to stay
home. ( I have become a young lady now) To keep from going crazy, and driving
my mom nuts also, I have had to find new ways to pass the time. Here are
a few of my new hobbies for your viewing pleasure.
Since I cannot go for my nightly
walks around the neighborhood I work out. Here I am getting ready to lift
weights. Hoo boy, am I sweating.
I have also taken up tennis to fill
my time. I have a really mean serve.
I am also reading a lot more now.
As you can see I wear reading glasses. Here I argue a point I just read
in a training book. I just do not agree with the down stay command.
In my delicate condition one must
always worry about taking a chill. Before I go out I make sure I am bundled
up against the winter weather.
Always the well dressed Kuvasz.
Here I model my black undies. The perfect choice for a formal evening.
( I hate my mommy, I hate my mommy)
As always, I remain, Lissa!