Lissa's Halloween Trick or Trick
I am on Halloween night all ready to go Trick or Treating. I really wanted
to be a princess but Miss I have the money I pick out the costume said
I had to go as a witch. Humph! I was really offended by a remark I overheard
about the costume reflecting the personality but being the big-hearted
girl I am I let it slide. I am no dummy. No costume no treats. So off I
The first house I went to the door was answered by a very nice man with
a postal uniform on. Hey don't these people ever change their clothes.
I mean, Hey! You're home now. Clean up buddy. Anyway I handed him my bag
and said just put the goodies in there mister.
out he was a little snot very similar to mom and made me put it in my bag
a human gone minute here. There's something fishy with this treat bag.
Just what I thought. Stale yummies. Oh no way you gonna stick me with your
old garbage. Yak. Spit those suckers out. I'll get that guy. Wait until
later. Mess with me huh. No one messes with LISSA!
soap? I don't see any soap. Is that soap in my paw? No. Just because it
is in the vicinity of my paw doesn't mean I touched it. Define soap. I believe I
already stated that I did not see any soap. Please refer to my previous
statement. I may have been near the soap and the soaped window but that
does not mean I did the soaping. I don't define this as an act of soaping.
photo of soaped window by front door of vandalized home.
successful Halloween if I say so myself. The rest of the night went well
and I got plenty of goodies. So as always. I remain,
taken from bathroom security camera retrieved later that evening. Clearly
shows a theft of a bar of soap from the tub. Although the face is not clear
we believe we know who the culprit is. And we will be watching for her
to make a mistake. This case is far from closed.