Hello. I hope you enjoyed your visit to my page. I really hope you enjoyed seeing my life splashed across the internet and my privacy totally destroyed. I hope the way my mom utterly humiliated me brought a little sunshine into your lives. And I a so glad my mom has found such joy in taking my secret moments and using them to make it impossible to show my face in public. Thank-you, thank-you. SOB!

Angel - 12/01/00 21:15:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nyskuvasz
My Email:SugarAppy@yahoo.com
Why I should kill my mom: No reason, Lissa!

Heh...I just got a moment to sneak onto this hear computer and view your website...we Kuvasz have got to stay together! Signed with a grin, Angel (AKA Mission's Come Fly With Me)

Bad Bunny - 11/02/00 10:21:40
My URL:http://www.badbunnny.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

Diane Bosse - 08/29/00 20:50:00
My Email:dcb1@cdc.gov
Why I should kill my mom: Because of the humiliating costumes!!!

I am interested in buying a Kuvasz puppy. Wondered if you would send me information on yours? I have been owned by a Kuvasz already. He passed about 3 years ago. Thanks Diane Bosse 1352 Old Agateville Rd Hillsboro GA 31038

Catherine - 08/01/00 02:00:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/powerpuffadoption
My Email:Catherine_Utonium@powerpuff.com
Why I should kill my mom: i dunno

cute site

erin berger - 05/12/00 20:58:19
My Email:eb2001@hotmail.com
Why I should kill my mom: NEVER!!! Who would put together this site???

I love Lissa!

Barb Lindman - 03/29/00 01:20:55
My Email:DLGOF@earthlink.net
Why I should kill my mom: you need Easter Eggs

Please restore Lissa's Easter party back to your web page. Or maybe we should all at Kuv-L take contributions for a new Easter event, baskets, find the Easter eggs & Bunnies

Leighton - 03/12/00 22:22:12
My Email:bluestarr7100@aol.com

your doggie is sooooo cute ! i luv hi so much !

Leighton - 03/12/00 22:22:41
My Email:bluestarr7100@aol.com

your doggie is sooooo cute ! i luv hi so much !

Tricia - 03/12/00 07:53:42
My URL:http://lissa.webprovider.com
My Email:tricia4ever@yahoo.com

Hi Lissa! You're page is SO adorable and so funny! I love it!! Check out http://lissa.webprovider.com She's a singer named Lissa! A human singer! :)

Lissa Pinneo - 03/04/00 05:10:06

Hi! My name is Lissa! Please be nice to your dog named Lissa. She looks ridiculous! Deadly butt smashing is funny! :)

Lee Friebel - 02/27/00 05:45:00
My Email:LeeFriebel@aol.com

Jeanie gave me your website Lissa. Seems at both homes there is a SWD subservient to a BWD. Treat your mom well Lissa, a patsy is always good to have around. Tell her for me that I laughed hard at what you had to say and to let you have your leeway in ru ning the house -- you can handle it!!

Sonnie - 11/25/99 00:35:52
My Email:Skmbd@aol.com

Really enjoyed your pages on Lissa- your words and pictures came across very cute. She is a pretty dog, has the nicest eyes. Thanks for sharing with everyone.

Hallmarks Review - 11/21/99 15:33:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7990/
My Email:hrthallmarks@yahoo.com

Congrats on your Heartland Hallmarks Award !

11/10/99 10:15:21
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

rosie - 10/21/99 02:00:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/godsrosiegirl/
My Email:godsgirl@sbinet.com
Why I should kill my mom: You shouldn't

this site is great. It is just great. Lissa is a cutie. What a great layout. I'll be back again.

Vicki Holt - 06/17/99 04:00:52
My Email:vikkida@aol.com

What a girl! (great web site too)

Arcy - 04/11/99 01:25:53
My URL:http://none yet. My human is too stupid to do her own webpage.
My Email:deannaden@aol.com
Why I should kill my mom: cuz she makes you wear those silly hats!!

Lissa - you are my heroine. I love your evil ways Please keep up the good work! Your Fan, Arcy

John Wojtaszek - 03/10/99 00:42:03
My Email:medlawn@erols.com

Hi, Have a crazy 15 month female ( Chloe) that we love to death. Good luck!!!

Cass - 01/16/99 04:40:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/5722
My Email:bakerlj@cadvision.com

Just wandered in - and so happy I did, since there aren't many personal kuvasz sites on the net! Please come visit Lexi sometime

n.j. max - 11/04/98 12:26:02

i love the evil lissa that's my fav. although you do look good as a witch. how about a site on the evil mistress

Trudie Bartkus - 11/03/98 20:37:35
My Email:trudie.dolls@pobox.com
Why I should kill my mom: Don't kill the goose that gives the golden treats!

Wonderful! As regards her "misleading statements" it depends on exactly what your meaning of "act" is...

Deanna Johnson - 11/02/98 04:25:31
My Email:deannaden@aol.com

As always, LOVED Lissa and Ice's web page (Halloween). I'm in my office all by myself laughing out loud. Keep em coming! I've been forwarding them to my sister who is a golden retriever person, but gets a kick out of them too.

Sandy Pearsall - 11/02/98 02:41:02
My Email:sjpear01@athena.louisville.edu

Your Lissa is so cute!!! I love your stories and can really realate to a lot of them. My Gracie does a lot of the same. Keep up the good work!!

Deanna Johnson - 10/22/98 02:42:43
My Email:deannaden@aol.com

Love your site! It really cracked me up. Loved the camping pics - and the "growth" on Lissa's neck!! Keep up the good work.

susan - 10/16/98 23:40:32
My URL:http://?????
My Email:syk1125

Margaret, that was marvelous. thanks for doing it the easy way for me. I am so stupid on this thig. I am really impressed with your abilities on setting up the whold thing and including all the sports equipment, ie, footballs , soccer balls, etc. not to mention the wonderful pictures. you are so clever! good work. thanks. xoxoxo

N.J. Max - 10/16/98 01:39:47
Why I should kill my mom: because you want a visit from the spirit world and she will come

i really enjoyed lissa site you really do a great job max wants me to do a site for him .

granny-ann - 10/01/98 22:49:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/4436/
My Email:granny-ann@geocities.com
Why I should kill my mom: She doesn't give us enough treats!

Hi Lissa! Great site. Being a new neighbour (Canuck) we thoroughly enjoyed your adventures. Do you have any adventures with cats? Because we are of that species (Sweetie, Toby & Tobias). Our mom will have our site going shortly. So if you have time p ease feel free to drop us a line. Bye for now.

Mary Woodward - 09/20/98 21:32:21
My URL:http://members.aol.com/RottnMary/ourpets.html
My Email:RottnMary@aol.com
Why I should kill my mom: She spends too much money on film. She could buy a lot of treats for that much money!

Lissa - your pages are great! I'll bet you are glad that your naughty son Ice is learning to behave himself. Sure hope you keep that table jumping trick to yourself!

eileen - 08/29/98 22:41:45

lOOKS good. Like the picture

Dianne D. Falina - 08/01/98 19:30:10
My Email:drentell@ix.netcom.com
Why I should kill my mom: only with kindness, Lissa, because she loves you

Lissa, you are a wild woman. You go, girl!

Doris Hedblom - 07/22/98 12:53:17
My Email:dchjjh@aol.com

Keep these pictures coming. I just love to go look at your website when you update it to get a laugh out of your dogs. Just so you know who this is coming from. I'm the mom of Cotton and Shadow. The world's cleanest Kuvasz. Keep up the good work. Doris Hedblom

Bela - 07/09/98 18:18:05
My Email:jbridges@99zx.com,
Why I should kill my mom: So you and Ice can RULE

Lissa - and Ice - I have a new Border Kuvasz puppy to train. She is a fast study. If you learn teamwork like we have, you too can have ALL THE PEOPLE FOOD YOU WANT!! best, Bela and Billie Mags the Border Kuvasz

Donna - 07/08/98 17:58:55
My Email:williams@sd48.mountain-inter.net
Why I should kill my mom: Who will feed you if you do it? Life on the streets is not good you know!

I love Lissa. She is such a beautiful girl.(Don't let her read this or her head will swell) I especially loved the picture where she ate that sweet puppy Ice (Ice cream- mmm!) - now where did I see that photo? Dog hair everywhere! Maybe it was on Ice's age. Keep up the great work on your pages. I look forward to your updates. Donna Williams

Barb Lindman - 07/07/98 23:11:58
My Email:dlgof@earthlink.net
Why I should kill my mom: how about not getting a latte with whipped cream?

Loved this collection. apparently I missed the heat ones. Why don't you add the Easter one also! I am delighted that you will have a collection of Lissa's antics then if I have a truly rotten day I can go to your site and smile. :) Barb and the Berner farm girls of Iowa (yup we moved last month to the farm) Lissa and Ice are welcome to visit.

Fang - 07/07/98 05:18:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/6020
My Email:glacier@micronet.net
Why I should kill my mom: more treats for you from dad

Hi Lissa! Fang here. Too bad you got spayed. I was hoping we could meet sometime and I could show you my Texas Two-step....Oh well, hey, if you want to get that little fella, just start staring and his jewels and laughing. Gets them every time... Always, Fang

Icefog - 07/04/98 01:50:33
My URL:Kuvasz of the Far North
My Email:icefog@pgr.auracom.com
Why I should kill my mom: no no don't do it!!! hire someone!

Margaret!....you have done a wonderful job...we ALL really enjoyed our visit, my kids have loved your web pages in the past and really enjoyed the site...keep up the good work! the Finbows

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