On February 28, 1998, I celebrated my first birthday. Here are some of the highlights of that day.
So I'm sitting there minding my own business. Chomping on an early birthday present. When WHAM! Mom plops a hat on me and tells me to get ready for my party my guests are here.

This is the guest. The only guest. Someone ( I won't mention her name...mom) did not get in gear and get the party I wanted planned. I guess she was too busy, toooo important to do it. So here I am stuck with Nikki. Put a hat on him and he is just pleased as punch ain't he. He won't be smiling when I play pin the tail on the Eskie, will he? Heh, heh. Might not be such a bad party after all.
I did start to perk up a bit when mom said we were going to bring out the cake. However, I do not think I am such a slob that I need the cutesie bib.

This is my cake. At least Dad was on the ball and got me a nice cake. Mom said she told him to. Yeah, like she planned the party.

Ha!! I got one good lick in before they snatched the cake away. I wasn't going to eat all of it....well, not in one bite anyway.

After the cake we took the party ( and I use that word loosely) down to the playground. Here I am on the play set going through the tube. Nikki went through also but they had to bribe him with treats. Wimp!

I was great at going down the slide also. But did I get my own play set for my own backyard. Nooooo! I can't begin to tell you how denied I am.

Then it was back to the house and time for the gifts. At least I got something I really liked this time. A fuzzy bone. My favorite. Reminds me of chewing on Nikki's leg. And it squeaks like him too. What fun!!

Whew! Am I exhausted. I guess I just Can't party like I could when I was younger. Until next time I remain Liss (hic) a.

Lissa's Life.