Welcome to the Enigma Factor, Woodstock's
Class of 1998's official homepage.
Again, I'm really sorry that it took me so long to update the page! No
Hey everyone...Shanit e-mailed me some pictures, so I'll
be starting a picture page. Anyone with photos that they
want up can e-mail them to me.
Guess what I found while digging through one of my
trunks...Mrs. Unrau's poem of when we were in eighth
grade! Click here
to see it. Also, if you have any memorabilia you want
up on the page, let me know.
Does anyone have information on classmates not listed
on this page? If you do, let me
know because I'd like to include everyone...
If you have something you want to tell the class,
e-mail me.
Those who didn't graduate with us but were a part of our
class at any time, feel free to e-mail
me about what
you're doing, too!