What's it really like...
Have you ever looked out the car window, to see someone
looking in? Maybe the first thought that
came to mind was, " What do they find so interesting?"
or maybe, " Hope you are getting a good look!"
I think these thoughts sometimes. Most people
aren't so rude. But there are those rare few who
stand there and stare at you. Some with a look so
vile, that you can't misinterpret their meaning.
These are the ones that instead of getting angry, I
stop and say a prayer for. This is the kind of reaction
I want my children to learn. Hate and anger are very
destructive emotions and I do not want them clouding my kids judgment.
When you become involved with a person of another race, the first thing
you will likely hear is, "What about the children?" What about them?
My kids are happy and outgoing! They are constantly being complimented,
as are Preston and I for their behavior in public places. We are teaching
them respect for adults as well as their peers. We teach them to be polite
and courteous. All of the things that every other parent
on the face of this earth teaches their own! We let them know that they
are loved and cherished. We teach them that material things are just that,
things and that they will never make them a better person than who they
are already. We teach them that with having things also comes a responsibility
to care for them.
The list could go on...But really, don't we all have
the same desires for our children.
Our oldest child, a five year old began school last year. We were blessed
once again with a superb school district. So far there seems to be no problem
with our family make up. I really don't anticipate any problems in the
near future. I do however, know that the day
will come when one of my babies will ask me ,"Why did
they say that?" or "What does that word mean?" Once again, I will stop
and ask my Father in heaven for the courage to love them. Then I
will pray for
the wisdom and the words to explain to my child
what just occurred. Then together we will go on knowing
that even if this person knew better, they really didn't know any better.