Welcome to the Oyster Plate Society Guestbook!

Thank You for visiting our Site. Please return soon.

Bad Bunny - 11/02/00 10:12:57
My URL:http://www.badbunnny.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Robert E. Seitz - 01/26/00 01:00:00
My Email:rivabums@cavtel.net
Your Interests: oyster plates.

I am trying to "date" and value two oyster plates I received as Christmas gifts. They are idendical in apperance,plain white, and marked Pillivuyt-France. One is numbered 651, the other is numbered 733. Any information anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. I have been collecting cans for several years, but these are my first plates.

Bea Maxwell Berry - 01/06/00 19:50:56
My Email:berryedbea@aol.com.
Your Interests: collecting oyster plates

I have just started collecting oyster plates. and have found here in florida that they are very expensive. My first was given to me by a wonderful woman who just wanted me to have something to remember her by. I have fallen in love with them, but I don' know why the price can range from 75.00 to 750.00 Please help.

Clara Tamborski - 12/29/99 03:27:25
My Email:ctambo@jps.net
Your Interests: Oyster Plates


Earl Soles,Jr. - 12/20/99 22:32:39
My Email:elsjr@innanet
Your Interests: oyster knives - plates


A. Jaussi - 11/05/99 04:49:54
My Email:utwild@slkc.uswest.net
Your Interests: cooking, gardening, reading, hiking

My family has passed down a recipe for Oyster Stew that we traditionally serve on Christmas Eve. My family has been in Iowa for 150+ years and there obviously aren't any places to harvest oysters there. How did they used to transport oysters before modern times and do you have any idea where the traditi n might have came from? They were in New York State before coming to Iowa. Thanks for your help!

T J Schneyer - 06/09/99 03:55:18
My Email:tj@oilnet.com
Your Interests: oyster plates

I am enjoying the viewing of many different oyster plates

Kathryn Kinnal - 02/11/99 04:15:22
My Email:duane.kay@erols.com
Your Interests: UPW & Minton plates

I am thrilled to see a society devoted to oyster plates. I have been collecting them for ten years. It all started with my love for eating raw oysters! I have many beautiful French & German plates, one UPW plate, and a beautiful Terrapin stew bowl. I ould love to own a Minton plate, but have yet been able to afford one. My husband collects antique fishing reels & lures, so we enjoy going to estate sales, antique shows, and most recently participating in e-bay auctions. I have just recently begun col ecting oyster cans, too. Love to you all, Kay.

Barbara Schmidt - 01/15/99 00:17:51
My Email:asaasa@beachaccess.com
Your Interests: oyster plates

My husband Bill and I are delighted to see the information you have posted about fakes and reproductions. It's about time someone has finally come out with the facts!! We have been concerned about some of the reproduction, fake or "doctored" oyster pl tes appearing on ebay and at various antique shows we attend, and truth to tell, one of the first oyster plates I ever bought was the famous "Nippon" everyone now knows about - (greed took over my better judgement and I keep it as a reminder). Keep up the good work and thanks. Barbara Schmidt

R Twigg - 01/13/99 14:09:01
My Email:rtwigg@webshoppe.net
Your Interests: oyester plates

I have a small collection of oyester plates, about 30. We have moved to Alabama and they are very hard to find here.

Nicholas Longley - 10/24/98 05:03:19
My Email:longleyn@aol.com
Your Interests: oyster plates

I'm looking for information regarding the upcoming Society meeting and aucion. I would like to obtain a list of auction items and terms. I am a collector/sometimes dealer-trader of majolica, with strong interest in oyster plates. I hope someone actuall reads this---the link from your website is deadending.

Carol Russo - 09/13/98 20:08:14
My Email:www.signetm@aol.com
Your Interests: you guessed it

Hello, and thanks for your work on this site. It is very pleasant to look at. I just have a problem viewing the newsletter section. Perhaps it's not done yet. I think a visitor counter on screen would be useful in the future. The link to members is to com I assume. If anyone has time perhaps you could feature a plate a month and discuss it in depth-features,pricing,availablility,history etc. with a large image for that plate. Thanks again. Carol

Jo Magness - 09/10/98 19:19:11

John and I have enjoyed the "hunt" of collecting oyster plates. It has taken us to many wonderful places. This year, we expanded our collecting to include Souvenir Spoons and Trade Cards that feature oysters. Hope to visit with many of you at the Conven ion next month.

Rosann Souders - 09/10/98 17:50:33
My Email:rsouders@dental.temple.edu
Your Interests: oyster plates, plants

I saw oyster plates many years ago in someone's home and admired them. Back then they were simply "pretty and unusual" plates. I eventually found out they were collectibles and when I could afford it, I began my collection. I like to look at collection like in the Karsnitz book or at the Fisherman's Inn in Grayson, Md. Now there is a collection. So is the one owned by Jan and Dick Wilson. Glad to see there is now such a page where I may comment or look for information. I could not attend the first onvention and probably can't this year but I always enjoy hearing any information about oyster related collectibles and looking at the collection of others-I only have a small one. This page is a great idea.

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