2ND Annual Convention
Marriott Seaview
October 30, 1998: Meet 'n Greet and "Ghoulish Get-Together". Members joined at Andrea's for hors d'oeuvres, spirits, wine and ALL THE OYSTERS YOU COULD EAT! |
Thanks to Andrea, the Society's Secretary/Treasurer, for graciously opening her home to all. |
Gordon, shucking as usual. Special thanks to: Jim Gossen, Peggy & Greg Nick, Jan & Dick Wilson, Dave & Shirley Marshall, Noreen Eberly, Jack & Susan White, Vernon Johnson, George Hastings, Gordon Weldon & Andrea Sullivan for their generous contributions of oysters and delicacies from the sea and land, which were served. |
Members enjoyed comparing collections and sharing information. |
Jim traveled from Houston to share his "Louisiana Foods" with us. Looks like someone tried to convince him that New Jersey Oysters are best.
Avonelle, the Society President, and her husband, Bob, came in from Washington State to be with us again this year. |
Mal, our Wine Maven, slurps a few! |
The PARTY was enjoyed by all. |
The AUCTION was a great success. Over 700 items were sold. Having Andrea as our Auctioneer added to the fun and excitement. A listing of the prices brought will be available soon.
Saturday night's Banquet was wonderful. The food, music and company made it an evening to cherish, as we greeted old friends and made new ones.
Sunday morning, many members gathered for Brunch at the Seaview. Purchases were loaded up and plans made for next year.
To enjoy more pictures, visit
Jim at Louisiana Foods.Start Planning For Next Year's Convention!
October 1999
Maritime Museum, St. Michael's Maryland
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