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Ahhhhh.......so little to do and so much time...........oh wait.....reverse that...........

Anyway, with all the wonderful sites out there to visit, I'm so glad you happened upon mine! I certainly hope that it is worth your while.

There's a little of this and a little of that here, so take your time and look around. Feel free to bookmark me (well, my page anyway) and come back later if you don't have time to stay now!

Below you will find a listing and brief description of my pages. Pick one and begin! Have fun, perhaps be inspired, maybe just be bored...who knows??!?!?

But before you leave, please sign my guestbook!

Begin your journey now!

Oh, and since I don't have everything all squared away with this site yet, your best bet is to return to this page to go to other pages, sign the guestbook, or send me an email! Sorry, for the inconvenience!!!

My Pages

Who Am I?- Ahhh....the eternal question, eh? Anyway, learn about me, what I like, etc.

Down Syndrome-Our son, Garrett, was born with Down Syndrome. Read our story, find some inspirational readings, and useful links related to DS.

My Family-Let me introduce you to my family! Links to our kids' pages.

Tribute To An Angel-The story of our angel, Gabrielle, who was stillborn to us on August 16, 2002.

My Faith-My conversion story, Catholic and inspirational links.

$$ Reward$$ on The Internet--Want to earn some free gift certificates or even money just for being on the internet? Here's the place to learn how to do just that!!

Parenting-Fun ideas to do with your kids.

Pro-life Page-Information and links regarding abortion and alternatives, especially for those with prenatal diagnoses considering abortion.

America-My page dedicated to remembering our freedom and those who help to keep it.

Graphics-A very small collection of backgrounds I attempted! :-)

Awards I've Been Granted-Some wonderful folks have given me some wonderful awards! View them here!

Links-Collection of all my favorite sites to visit on the 'net.

Webrings-If you came here via a webring, you can continue your journey here, or find a new journey to go on.


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