The David Ballantine Family

1.  John Ballantine from Scotland (supposedly had 13 children)
    2.  David C. Ballantine m. Anna Eliza Palmer
        3.  Ena Ballantine
    2.  Elizabeth Ballantine (b. 21 Jan 1849) m. Charles Sheppard
        3.  Charles Sheppard
        3.  Elizabeth Sheppard m. Donegan  

Excerpts from Ena Ballantine Adams' Obituary

"Mrs. Ena Adams, 96, died at 10:35 p.m. Saturday in her home after a short illness.. . 
She attended Drury College for two years before going to Europe on a trip.  She 
then made her home in Germany in the 1900s and studied with piano teachers 
there.  Mrs. Adams tutored the family of the U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland in
piano, in order to make money to stay in Europe.. . . After returning to the 
United States, Mrs. Adams attended school in Chicago.  She later taught French 
to preschoolers in the Sheppard home after returning to Springfield in 1927."

Excerpts from Elizabeth Ballantine Sheppard's obituary

For many years Mrs. Sheppard had been a leader in Springfield society in the
heyday of the '80s and 90s, when entertaining was fabulously elaborate--
and the ladies with their coaches and coachmen made rounds of formal calls
upon their friends. . . Though a fashionable society woman, Mrs. Sheppard was 
also much more that, and had many civic and philanthropic interests as well.
Drury College, old Calvary church, the YWCA--many things shared her interest.
The Sheppards were among the founders and leaders of the old Calvary church, 
and for many years, Mrs. Sheppard, an exquisite needlewoman, made and took care
of the communion linens.  She also sewed endlessly to help equip the YWCA which
she had been active in establishing here, and to provide bedding and linens for
 McCulhigh cottage when it was opened at Drury. . . Mrs. Sheppard was born 
January 21, 1849 on a plantation at Brunswick, MO, near Boonville, the daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. John Ballantine.  Her father had come from Scotland with his 
parents on a sailboat, as a child.  She was one of the younger of 13 children--
and the last survivor. . . Her family was Confederate.  Its home was destroyed 
by Union forces and the family went to Nebraska and settled in Nebraska City
. . . She came to Springfield as the second wife of Charles Sheppard. . . her husband died in 1887.
