Welcome to the Calvary Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
Web Site!
You are Welcome at
      Calvary Chapel Free Will Baptist Church...
The members and staff of
Calvary Chapel Free Will Baptist Church welcome
you to
worship with us. Our desire is to EXALT the majesty
of God in dynamic worship, INVITE people to receive Christ
as their Savior, EQUIP people for service in Gods Kingdom, and EXTEND Gods
love in mission outreach. We invite you to worship and
fellowship with us as you consider your choice in a church home. Please call the
church office with any request for more
Calvary Chapel Free Will Baptist Church
To serve God through the personal and
congregational commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ in worship,
discipleship, evangelism, and community outreach.
Calvary Chapel Free Will Baptist Church Vision
We envision the First Baptist Family demonstrating personal, passionate love
for Christ - actively engaged in ministries, sharing Christs love, and
reaching out to our community.
Contact Information
- Telephone
- (954) 432-2550
- (954) 934-7969
- Postal address
- 8530 Stirling Road
- Electronic mail
- General Information: davidmt_49@yahoo.com
Hits since 9/10/2002