...to my homepage!
...the suncatcher...

Hello! I'm so glad you dropped by, please make yourself at home.

Hi, it's so nice to meet you! I'm so glad you came by. This page tells you about my love for the Lord and will help you find the way. I hope we can get to be friends. Please email me and let me know if I've been helpful to you.

      You're Special...

When I'm down or blue
And I really just need
A special word from you
You're there to talk with me

Filling and warming my heart
With sometimes, just the sound 
of the words you impart
Teasing me, and making me laugh

Bringing me joy and love
You just don't know the wonderful gift
God in the heavens above
has placed safely within you

You staying close to me
Although not always near
Causing me laughter you see
Wiping away just a casual tear

Making my day much nicer
Like the sun imparting warmth to the earth
Your presence all the wiser
Shines into my soul.

Thank you for being you...

(all my poems have been copyrighted in 1998)

Click here to see some more of my poems.

Isn't It Strange?

Isn't it strange how a 20 dollar bill 
seems like such a large 
amount when 
you donate it to church, but 
such a small amount 
when you go shopping?

Isn't it strange how 2 hours 
seem so long when 
you're at church, and how 
short they seem when you're 
watching a good movie?

Isn't it strange that you can't 
find a word to say when 
you're praying, 
but you have no trouble 
thinking what to talk about 
with a friend?

Isn't it strange how difficult 
and boring it is to read 
one chapter 
of the Bible, but how easy 
it is to read 100 pages of 
a popular novel?

Isn't it strange how everyone 
wants front-row-tickets 
to concerts or games, 
but they do whatever 
is possible to sit at the last 
row in Church?

Isn't it strange how we need to 
know about an event for 
Church 2-3 
weeks before the day so we can 
include it in our agenda, but we can 
adjust it for other events in 
the last minute?

Isn't it strange how difficult it 
is to learn a fact about 
God to share it 
with others, but how easy 
it is to learn, understand, 
extend and repeat gossip?

Isn't it strange how we 
believe everything 
that magazines and newspapers 
say, but we question the words in the 

Isn't it strange how everyone 
wants a place in 
heaven, but they don't want 
to believe, do, or say anything 
to get there?

Isn't it strange how we send 
jokes in e-mails 
and they are forwarded 
right away, 
but when we are going to send 
messages about God, we think 
about it twice before we share 
it with others?



Click here to find 'the way' to new life.

I'd also like to show you the place I enjoy going to the most,

Calvary Chapel Free Will Baptist Church.

Please take a moment and check it out.

This is a really good site whre you can find writings by Max Lucado.
II think you will find it worth your while to go look.


We're Sailing Together

We launched our ship many years ago
	In the temptuous sea of life
An adventure it seemed, we were so young
	You with me, such an immature wife
With all the vast knowledge, we were so smart
	Knowing our love would carry us through
The waters got rough, but we stayed the course
	Our captain, the Lord kept us true
Each child came so sweet, a blessing from God
	Two for you, two for me, which made four
All were different in talents, and discipline too
	One by one, with each step through the door
As each day we were given a slate that was new
	The boat would rock and the cargo would slip
Inexperience we found was our due
	As the days turned to years, my love all for you
Grew and developed, deeper still as the seas we sailed through
	Now I've grown and matured, the age lines show and tell
But we're still steering our ship with the Lord
	Have I told you today? as I whispered your name 
David, I love you more now, than I did then?
	Your more sweeter to me, than honey from comb
And more rarer than the most costly gem
	You consider my needs, and always try to please
I don't deserve such consideration and care
	I love sailing with you, I'm forever your first mate
Till death do us part, or God comes and takes us away.

(Dedicated to my loving husband, David)


Come back and see me again sometime, okay? You may also email me, I'd love to meet you. :) Please have a great day, and remember... Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotional Web Page
"Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares about you." :)
the_suncatcher45@yahoo.com....So E-Mail me, okay?

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