Download some useful sounds?   Don't mind if I do....

These sound files can be used with any operating system which can use Microsoft wave type files.  Just click to make your selection from the menus.  These can be loaded one at a time.  Or snag the zipfile at the end of each listing.

The voice is that of my favorite voice talent.  She is just as cute as she sounds. 

These sound files are straight reads of Windows 95 and 98 functions.  That makes them useful. These sound files are more fun, and none of them are in really bad taste.
Close Program
Critical Stop
Default Sound
Empty Recycle Bin
Exit Windows
Media Player
Menu  Command
New Mail Notification
Open Program
Program Error
Restore Up
Restore Down
Sound Recorder
Start Windows
Windows Explorer

All these in a zipfile


That's an undocumented feature.

Sardonic giggling.

Maniacal giggling.


That's Ms. Anal to you.


Oooh, error!

Windows is opening... Won't somebody see us?

All the silliness in a zipfile


Over Confused