welcome to yet another Roman Catholic website
Welcome to yet another Roman Catholic website.
Heb11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not."
There is no way one can be honest to say they "read" the Bible and cans till be protestant. Faith is of things we can't see, yet they constantly whine about not seeing it in the Bible so therefore it's not true. What we have then is a lack of Faith.
Hopefully, you won't find this one as nauseatingly peace and lovey as most websites. Satan has most modern people stanically civilized. You know, not wanting to offend anyone, or preach what is Godly. Christ bothered people's conscience, by telling the truth, and it got Him crucified. They didn't crucify Him for being like friendly and nice like Mr. Rogers. It would be a sin to just say "well let's agree to disagree", so no matter how unpopular it may be, you have to correct people that are wrong. And in doing the corrections if you are the one proven wrong, admit it, and then move on.
So please don't write to me telling me to be "nicer" or more "charitable". If I wasn't charitable, I'd let ignorant people go to Hell, instead I put forth the effort in hopes of helping people into the Catholic Faith. Which in turn will aid me in the graces necessary to get me into Heaven.
If you have any further questions please feel free to e-mail me, and I can get you in touch with people that could help you far better than I.
This website was more or less designed for people who already believe in God, but are following Him in a perverted manner. I have no interest in dealing with atheists, or agnostics. If you want to e-mail me, fine, but you'll end up wanting more and more facts, proof, examples, and so on, and quite frankly, I've learned that it's useless. If one does not truly want to believe, all the proof in the world will not help you.
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Oh, I know of a gentleman that can prove to anyone that the Catholic Faith is the ONLY faith, and outside of which there is no salvation. He will take phone calls at any time. His name is Vin Lewis, founder of A.R.M.. All Roads Ministry, helps people in the search for the truth, and shows that the Catholic Faith is the ONLY RELIGION that is consistent in it. Be kind, he lives on the East coast so take that into consideration when calling. 1-914-226-4172. So please either read these pages, or call him.
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