Raymond and Ruby (Jorj) Abernathy's Web Site

Welcome to
Raymond and Jorj Abernathy's Web Site!

Child No. 6 Our Kids Occupations Other Interests
Raymond and Jorj Anne Burton
Ruth Ann Parker
Retired (Lucky People!)More info?
Link to be added.

Raymond and Jorj

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Raymond and Jorj live in Germantown, Tennessee--east Memphis. They LOVE being retired and, as Raymond says, "doing whatever I want." Email them by double-clicking on rabern4974@aol.com.

Anne and Kelsey Burton

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Meet Anne Burton, Jorj and Raymond's niece, and her sweet daughter, Kelsey.

Ruth Ann and Mike Parker and Buckley

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Here is Mike, Ruth Ann and Buckley Parker. Ruth Ann lived with Raymond and Joj the first three years of her life. She is a sixth-grade teacher in Jackson, Tennessee, and Mike is the Manager of a financial company in Jackson.

Ray sent this picture of the entire family back in 195?.

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Who can name the year and everyone who was there?

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