Chloe's Day

A day in the life of Chloe

These photo depict a day in the life of busy little Chloe. As you will soon see, she is a talented child who is dedicated to the finer things in life.

First thing in the morning she tackles those heavy duty garden chores. She drives the garden tractor around and hauls out the heavier supplies she may need to the far flower beds. No sluffing for her!

If the chore is too big or the task is out of reach, Daddy is always a handy helper.

After the chores are completed for the day, she enjoys some recreational time on the lawn.

Playing "catch me Daddy" on the lawn has worn Daddy and Chloe out, so now is the time for a brief rest on the big rock.

In her leisure hours, she loves to enjoy fine literature in the garden.

Upon entering her abode, she discovers that the maid has been terribly negligent of the cupboards. They require a complete and immediate rearranging. Then it's off to make sure the rest of the house is spotless and neat before dinner and her upcoming evening performance.

After her inspection, food is the first thing on her mind. Not one to be waited on hand and foot, she takes her own spoon in hand and feeds herself. It may not be as efficient, but remember who's in charge here.

Chloe's debut as a sophrano soloist is this evening. Due to the size of the auditorium, she believes a microphone may enhance the audience's listening pleasure (although she may not necessarily need it to be heard)!

She performs various soprano arias from the most popular operas. She is dressed in her best formal wear and can really belt out those notes! She concludes her performance to a standing ovation! Bravo!! Bravo!!! Thus ends her day. A stunning success!

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Updated September 1, 2001