Photos of Chloe - 1 year old

Due to the amazing response Chloe's Home has received from family and friends, we feel it is absolutely necessary that we include more photos of Chloe. This is page one of this effort.

Chloe the Bathing Beauty! Such a modest and controlled expression of delight!

More of the Bathing Beauty that stole our hearts away!

Mama's precious darling has learned to kiss. (It's a little sloppy, but she has many, many years to refine this skill).

SSsshhhhhhhHHH!!!! Baby sleeping!

Dressed up for her baptism service.

Mama makes the BEST chocolate mocha cake!

After a cake like that, you really need to take a bath with a broccoli forest!

Chloe visits the 4-H rabbits at the County Fair. "Mama I want THIS one!"

"Wow Papa, that's a cow! Can we bring it home?"

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Updated September 1, 2001