Welcome to Chippewa Area Girl Scouts Homepage. We are located in the most north-eastern corner of Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula (U.P.). To locate us on a map, start on any part of highway I-75, follow it north until you almost leave the USA, and that's us.
Sault Ste Marie Area Schools Currently has 1 Daisy troop, 9 Brownie, 2 Junior, and 1 Junior/Cadette Troops
Rudyard Area School District Currently has 1 Daisy troop, 2 Brownie, 2 Junior, and 1 Cadette/Senior Troop
Pickford Area School District Currently has 1 Brownie/Junior Troop
Brimley Area School District Currently has 1 Brownie/Junior/Cadette Troop
As you can imagine, with most of our girls are from troops scattered throughout our county, it can be difficult for our Girl Scouts to keep in touch with their sister troops from other schools. As an area we schedule events throughout the year to bring as many of the girls together as possible.
One of our favorite events is Thinking Day.
Over the last few years we have used a loose format from a wide game called Passport to Adventure. In this game girls move in groups to "stations" representing selected countries. Each station activities include a game and/or song, a food to try, maps, cultural info
and pictures of each country. We have taken this game a step further and involved the girls themselves in selecting a country to learn about, making a display including the listed game components, and presenting their country to the rest of the girls at our Thinking Day Event. When the girls arrive at the
event they are given a passport to complete, some even include their pictures. As a girl travels from one country to another she receives a special stamp or sticker showing she has tried all of the activities at each station. This event has been a big hit with all of our girls. Many have even found they receive
extra credit points at school for their projects, and several have won blue ribbons at our county Fair.
A Favorite event for Juniors, Cadettes, and Seniors is our Mystery Weekend, held in mid to late Spring each year. This weekend event consists of 6-8 classes in which the girls choose their favorites to attend. Our past "classes" have included Outdoor Cooking, First Aid, Creative Crafts, Survival Skills, Hair Styling, Cheerleading, Modern Dance, and Makeup Sessions. Volunteers throughout our community present their specialty to small groups of girls throughout the event. The weekend also includes a late night swim, talent show, pin/patch swapping, and lots of fun for all.
We have found some great craft and SWAP sites on the web! Check out a few of our favorites. (don't forget to come BACK).
GS/GG Arts, Crafts & Swaps
Guide Zone Craft Pages
Michaels Arts & Crafts
Tons of Fun Stuff for Kids
Sara's Patch Trading Forum
GS/GG Patch Traders Forum
Would you like to see a little bit more information about Michigan's History and Upper Peninsula? Just check out our links below.
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Chippewa Area and Peninsula Waters Girl Scout Council is a participating member of United Way.
Links to a few Girl Scout sites on the Web
Scouting Links
Girl Scouts of the USA
TRCGS Scouting Links
Cadette & Senior Troop 373
Brownie Troop 110
Girl Scout Forum
Lots of Scout Information to Choose From and More Links
Focus on Girl Scouting
Explore Michigan
Sault Ste Marie, Michigan
Kinross Township Homepage
site is owned by Kim DeLong.
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as of April 11, 1999
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