Presenting Judy Hoffman-Thomas' Fuzzy Lops.....
Home of Grand Champions.  Located in Lawrenceville, GA.  These Fuzzy's have pedigrees loaded with Grand Champions; Nationals and Convention
winners and are proven winners.  Take a look at this Parade of Grands....

Meet Grand Champion
"JM's Eddie"

Ed has accumulated 11 GC Legs in
limited showing.  He is out of a Smurf
Daughter.  Smurf won BOB in 1997 at
the Nationals.  Ed has won BOB; BOS,
etc. and now owned by Laurel Erickson.


Grand Champion
"JM's Sonny"

This Siamese Sable buck has won BOS as a junior and then won BOB as a senior.  Sonny has won 5 GC legs to date.


Grand Champion

Kahlua has been a foundation sire for me.  Kahlua has won 3 GC legs and was BOS; BOV; He is a siamese sable.  He is now living in AL with Gloria Evans.

Grand Champion
"Bridges Budette"

Now here is Budette.  Budette was bred by Mary Bridges in NC.  She now has 5 GC Legs to date in very limited showing.  This doe won BOB; BOS; BOV at huge shows!  Budette is now owned by Mavis Paprocki of Mississippi.


Grand Champion
"Peaches N Creme"

Peaches is a  Broken Orange and has won 7 GC Legs already.  He was BOB as a Junior buck and also as a Senior.  Peaches is sired by Reggie.

Grand Champion
"Mays Dixie"

Dixie is a Broken Siamese Sable doe with 5 GC Legs.  She has won BOBs; BOS; BOV etc.  She has a beautiful huge head!


Grand Champion
"Mr. Opie"

Opie is a solid blue buck with 7 GC Legs.  He has won BOBs; BOS; BOV etc.  He has a new home with Laurel Erickson.

Grand Champion
"SD's Reggie"

Reggie was bred by Heather Vezino.  Reggie is a Broken Sable Point buck.  I showed him to 2 BOBs and 1 BOS and then retired him as my Herd Sire.  He appears in almost all these rabbits' pedigrees somewhere.  Reggie's sire and grandsire were both Fuzzy Lop of the Year award winners as well as having accumulating numerous GC Legs.


JM's Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy was just named BOB her first show as an adult.  She is a beautiful Broken Siamese Sable doe.  Cotton Candy is 'double Smurf' and and is sired by JM's Eddie featured above on the website.

JM's Evil Kneivel
Evil Kneivel is a junior buck that has won BOS; BOV already.  He is a black buck only weighing about 2.0 pounds.  He has a tremendous pedigree and is very typey.  Evil has 2 GC legs so far.


Best of Breed Winner "Miko"
Yes, Miko won Best of Breed in an
Open show with my kids.  She is out
of a Smurf daughter also and is now
living in California with Brittany Proctor.


"JM's Powder"
Powder won his 3 GC Legs in just 2 weekends.  He is sired by one of my foundation sires "SD's Reggie".  Tons and Tons of GC's; Convention Winners; Nat'l winners; Fuzzy Lops of the Year rabbits in this pedigree.  He is also living with Brittany Proctor in CA.


Allen's Bambi
Bambi is a solid Orange Doe and is the mom of Peaches N Creme and a REW jr. doe I'm showing fall of '99.  Bambi has won one GC Leg.  Bambi was bred by Eleanor Allen of MS and now is living with Laurel Erickson.

We only keep less than 20 rabbits at a time so as soon as they grand champion they usually go so we can work with the new juniors.  So if it's a grand champion you want.... E-mail me at or phone 770/822-6748 or better yet, come visit them!