Liza's Baby Shower

Liza's shower was a lot of fun, even though Matt and I woke up late, and had to scramble to clean and get everything set up. Liza's friends brought most of the supplies - we mainly provided the house.

I got to meet a couple of Liza's friends, and visit with some I had already met. In order, here are Tammy, Melissa, Gorski, Dionne (back) and Cindy (front). My abject apologies for any bad spelling, guys...

Here are some pics of Liza opening presents. In the pics where she's holding a phone, she's on speakerphone with her mom in California, opening a box of memories from her own childhood. The corsage she's wearing is the one her mom wore at her own baby shower for Liza. Pic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11...I'm trying to get these posted quickly, so here you go! I may add narrative later, but don't count on it :-)

Graphics courtesy of Small Paws Rescue