Let me give you my hand.
May it ever be there for you.
Let me give you my shoulder.
May it always comfort you.
Let me give you my arms.
May they only hold you.
Let me give you my heart.
May it only love you.
- Author Unknown ~

February Angels:

My Dad heaven day 2/1/99
My Dad, My Coach, My Friend

Angel Elliot heaven day 2/5/06
Baby Angel Elliot

Angel Alexis heaven day 2/6/02
Lexi's Legacy, Page One

Angel Robyn b'day 2/7/83
In Loving Memory of Robyn Lynn Bowers

Angel Tikisha b'day 2/8/77
In Loving Memory of Tikisha Ann Jackson

Angel Tami b'day 2/8/72
Happy Birthday Angel Tami!

Angel Tamulah b'day 2/9/00
Tamulah's Story

Angel David D. b'day 2/11/62
In Loving Memory of David John Donovan

Angel Michael Sullivan b'day 2/14/67
Happy Birthday Michael ~ On Valentine's Day

Angel Russell and Angel Jimmy heaven day 2/14/00
Angel Jeremy b'day 2/14/83
Patricia's Angels

Angel Jeff B. heaven day 2/16/00
In Loving Memory of Jeffrey Allen Berkheiser

Angel Chris M. heaven day 2/17/92
Christopher's Place

Angel Kimmy heaven day 2/17/01
In Loving Memory of Kimberly Helen Clelland

Angel Max heaven day 2/17/02
All About Max

Angel Ariana & Angel Tyler heaven day 2/18/07
Precious Angels

Angel Chris A. heaven day 2/18/99
In Loving Memory of Christopher Scott Asbrock

Angel Jason Isaac b'day 2/18/85
Happy Birthday Angel Jason!

Angel Vicki heaven day 2/18/01
Welcome to Helen and Bruce's Angel Pages

Angel Doug M. heaven day 2/19/05
In Loving Memory of Douglas Wayne Meadors

Angel Tommy D. heaven day 2/19/90
For My Brother Tommy

Angel Destinee heaven day 2/20/97
In Loving Memory of Our Angel Destinee

Angel Matthew Bankert heaven day 2/21/01 b'day 2/22/00
Matthew's Page

Angel Cody Wade b'day 2/23/85
In Loving Memory of Cody Joe Wade

Angel Wayne b'day 2/25/83
Homeward Bound ~ In Loving Memory of Wayne M. Johnson, Jr.

Angel Romelo B/D 2/26/03
Happy Birthday Angel Romelo!
In Loving Memory of Romelo Antonio Rodriguez
Will be updating these pages for Angel Romelo's birthday this year

Angel Scooby heaven day 2/26/04
Scooby's Younger Years

Angel Thomas F. heaven day 2/27/98
In Loving Memory of Thomas Farris

Angel Douglas Maris b'day 2/27/69
Our Angel Douglas

Angel Stacy heaven day 2/27/05
In Loving Memory of Stacy Lynn Cope

Angel Connie heaven day 2/28/98
In Loving Memory of Connie Holly Pate

March Angels:

Sheri's Dad b'day 3/1/22
Jack's Birthday Page

Angel Katelynn b'day 3/4/98
In Loving Memory of Katelynn Brianna Bass

Angel Jimmy P. b'day 3/5/71
Jimmy's Page
Jimmy ~ Forever in my Heart

Angel Joshua Wade heaven day 3/6/95
Joshua's Page

Angel Deborah heaven day 3/7/78
Deborah's Page

Angel Kristina Holt b'day 3/9/84, heaven day 3/28/03
In Loving Memory of Kristina Nickole Holt

Angel Steven b'day 3/10/88
Steven's Page

Angel Kellie b'day 3/10/86
Happy Birthday Angel Kellie!

Angel Billie Marie heaven day 3/10/03, b'day 3/13/02
In Loving Memory of Billie Marie McDonagh

Angel Travis heaven day 3/11/01, b'day 3/28/79
In Loving Memory of William Travis Munn

Angel Caitlyn b'day 3/14/01
Happy Birthday Angel Caitlyn!

Angel Zachary due date 3/17/05
In Loving Memory of Zachary Shane Corp

Angel Joey Scarpa heaven day 3/20/95
For Angel Joey's Heaven Day

Angel Lily B/D 3/20/03
In Loving Memory of Lily Hope O'Brien

Angel Brian Wall heaven day 3/20/04
In Loving Memory of Brian Weslyn Wall

Angel Nathan heaven day 3/21/97
Nathan's Angel Page

Angels Brian and Tim heaven day 3/22/01
Remembering Brian and Tim

My Angel Christopher heaven day 3/24/98
For Christopher's Heaven Day, Page One
For Christopher's Heaven Day, Page Two

Angel Jason Booden b'day 3/24/00
In Loving Memory of Jason Booden

Angel Lorraine b'day 3/25/41
In Loving Memory of My Beloved Mother

Angel Brianna b'day 3/26/91
Brianna's Page

Angel David B. heaven day 3/26/98
Sunrise, Sunset

Angel Kathryn b'day 3/27/02, heaven day 3/31/02
Kathryn's Story

Angel Davey b'day 3/31/92
In Loving Memory of David Allison Dunavant

Maria's Tribute to Christopher