Luray Chapter #436
Virginia Division
United Daughters of the Confederacy®

" Keeping their spirit alive"


Who Are the United Daughters of the Confederacy?

The United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) is a Southern heritage
organization made up of the direct and collateral female descendants of the soldiers, sailors,
and statesmen of the Confederate States of America (1861-1865). The aims of the General
organization, which was founded in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1894 and reorganized in Atlanta, Georgia,
in 1895, are to preserve and protect the historical writings of the Confederacy, the true history
of its people, and historic sites of Cofederate valor, while honoring the memory
of those gallant boys in gray.

Those who wish to pursue membership in the United Daughters of the Confederacy through
Luray Chapter #436 are invited to contact a chapter member for further information.

Virginia Division Home Page

United Daughters of the Confederacy


This page is maintained by Jo Ann Burner
and was last updated on November 15, 2006

Visitors since 1/23/00


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