of you ICQ users may recognize this message below as being posted
on ICQ's web site. I e-mailed Mr. Lord and asked him if I could
publish it on my page. He asked me to be sure and leave his
e-mail address on the message because he likes getting comments
from readers. So once you've read this hilarious message, please
be sure to send Mr. Lord a short note.

by:Elven Lord
Date posted: Tue Sep 9 19:37:18 US/Eastern 1997
Subject: Virii messages...ENOUGH!!!!!
few months on the internet, you will come across sincere warnings
about Monster Viruses that transfer through your e-mail. Common
sense tells you that this is impossible, that a text file is just
text and it can't hurt you or your computer. But the warnings
claim it can and often add "My system administrator passed
this on to me, so it must be true", statements. You begin to
doubt your technical knowledge. Don't! The warning itself , IS
the "virus": It tricks people into passing it on,
endlessly. Here's how I shall deal with it.
"GOODTIMES" VIRUS WARNING. Goodtimes will re-write your
hard drive. Not only that, but it will scramble any disks that
aren't even close to your computer. It will re-calibrate your
refrigerator's coolness setting so all your ice cream goes melty.
It will demagnetize the strips on all your credit cards, screw up
the tracking on your television & VCR and use sub-space field
harmonics to scratch any CD's you try to play. It will give your
ex-girlfriend your new phone number. It will mix Kool-Aid into
your fishtank. It will drink all your beer and leave its socks
out on the coffee table when there's company coming over. It will
put a dead cockroach in the back pocket of your good suit pants
and hide your car keys when you are late for work. Goodtimes will
make you fall in love with a penguin. It will give you nightmares
about circus midgets.
will pour sugar into your gas tank and shave off both your
eyebrows while dating your girlfriend behind your back and
billing the dinner & hotel room to your Discover card. It
will slander your grandmother. It does not matter if she is dead
or not, such is the power of Goodtimes, it reaches out beyond the
grave to sully those things we hold most dear. It moves your car
randomly around parking lots so you can't find it. It will kick
your dog.
will leave libidinous messages on your bosses voice mail in your
voice! It is insidious and subtle. It is dangerous and terrifying
to behold. It is also a rather interesting shade of
mauve.Goodtimes will give you Dutch Elm disease. It will leave
the toilet seat up. It will make a batch of Methanphedime in your
bath tub and leave bacon cooking on your stove while it goes out
to chase gradeschoolers with your new snowblower.
TO ME, GOODTIMES DOES NOT EXIST. It cannot do anything to you.
But I can. I am sending this message to everyone in the world.
Tell your friends, tell your family. If ANYONE sends me another
e-mail or ICQ message about this (or any other virus) fake
Goodtimes Virus, I will turn them into a religion. I will do
things to them that would make a horsehead in their bed look like
Easter Sunday brunch. For those paranoid people, pls read
this.....only be concerned regarding actual attachments to mail,
or files sent to you from someone on ICQ, or other, that you
don't know or trust. Run a virus program to keep yourself
safe....and don't forget to check all the MACROS you may
have/receive for apps such as WORD or EXCEL.....Quit being a
lamer, and don't send out all these useless are
just wasting other peoples bandwidth....Thank you for your time. 
E-mail the author.
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